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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by MyShell »

i see sr_fiz or something like that is advertisting , also this is against the rules , isn`t it , and i see something like an owner thing . if he is an owner and he is advertisting why doesn`t he put a banner or something not just tell people to buy from his damn company . this is LAME LAME LAME LAME!!! If the company is so great he would not make such a big deal of "stable shells" , let the customers decide what shell company is better for them , just dont tell you crap in here with stable shells , yes we know ... all of them "are stable" and have 99,9 (99,99 % uptime) . so if you wanna do something about this forum should start by accepting the rules , then respect them . respect to be respected . btw , that duofruo thing , is making advertise to , well both of them , and or something like that suck , bad services , bad uptime bad support . like i said before , let the people choose their shell provider , i recommend to take a look over the providers list and do research for each provider that you like to go with , and if you are happy and other guys that are with that company are like "Oh yeah , you should try this out" go ahead , just dont listen to this crap of sir_fiz or lamers like him , and they call themselves owners . sir_fiz i hope you are very "stable" on your chair when you read this .
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Post by Turambar »

Hmm i can't understand why you are making so much noise here. First of all the owner thing has to do with how many posts that person has already done.
And about the advertising I just can say that you were the one you advertised in the "The best shell provider" post here...
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Post by bobjuh »

3 things

pot kettle black

In your first post on this forum you start advertising for your shell company. I also work for a shell company but you dont see me spamming
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Post by ppslim »

Advertising is where a post has been made with no other purpose but to advertise there own services.

The same thing can be applied to scripts. You should advertise your own on there own (though providing code within the post is kind of different).

Providing information in your signature is different as it is descreat and aside from the fact that the post likely contains other usful information.

My own signature includes its very own link to a referal system (any1 looking for a ISP in the UK :wink: ), and I have purposly tried not to force it down a persons neck.

Slennox is the only person that can define the bottom line, however, I suspect that the quality of the content provided by a person will usualy help define how far the boundries are allowed to be pushed.
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Post by MyShell »

oh , do i make advertise in here ? can you paste me the line . however , i just wanna say that this thing with advertise is lame , if the "called company" would have so many customers they can make a review and "the admin" is making adv , so it`s lame , i wouldn`t go to a company where the admin makes advertise . i`m sick of people saying that say "reliable and fast shell accounts" , many people loose money coz of them and their stupid advs , where people put eggz to make a bigger channel and advertise for crap servers and companyes . and start going bigger and bigger . if you really wanna advertise put a banner somewhere where noone would be really upset about the situation . so dont call yourselves reliable and fast until that will be true , coz poor people waste their money for nothing . imagine kids that get 10 $ /month from their parents and they spend their money on shell accounts that are dropping and admins telling them bullshit . however , if someone agrees that advertise should be made with banners and news papers and mouth-to-mouth (lol) should post something here .
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Post by ppslim »

See THIS post which was made by yourself, blatantly advertising your own services.

What I said above, I still feel it applies. It's a bit like saying "You can't put your company name in your e-mail signature".

It is strongly down to a process of content by weight. Provide enough of the good information, and it isn't seen as sticking out for the sole purpose of advertising.

However, should you feel that some further action be taken, I sugest directing any questions, comments or further hold digging attempts (maybe not that far) to slennox. His details can be found on his website
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Post by Sir_Fz »

I'm not even an admin at nexushells, and if I put it in my signature that doesn't mean that you only have to use nexushells... If you think that way then its your problem MyShell :wink:

also when you say something like "reasearch the providers list" atleast do it yourself and dont judge the companies, and could you please tell me when did I ever say that 99.9% uptime thing ?

next time when you're so angry, wait till you calm down and post.
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Post by MyShell »

the uptime thing was general , well nevermind , the adv in signature is nothing to worry but i saw a few post like "nexushells cheap and reliable shells" or something like that , let the people decide . btw , i`m not angry. however i dont belive you when you say that you aren`t a staff memeber or something for nexushells
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Post by Sir_Fz »

that cheap reliable thing is probably from the topic of #nexushells not in this forum.. the founder of nexushells is my close friend, I'm not a member of the staff is that clear ?
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Post by MyShell »

ok , over
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