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undef ref 2 `_Tcl_AppendResult' comp. botnetop on egg 1.16

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De Kus
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undef ref 2 `_Tcl_AppendResult' comp. botnetop on egg 1.16

Post by De Kus »

OK, since the windrop forum on is not really a busy forum, I'll try my luck here, too ^^.

First I thought it might be a problem with the nighty cvs build, so I tried it a week later, but I am still getting an fatal error compiling botnetop.mod and stats.mod. Since windrop wont start with the old dlls of them I have to use the precompilied build :D. The final eggdrop.exe without these 2 moduls has a strange size of 1,2mb... almost so big as with static compilied (with I never got running with windrop, but I tried to make a modular compilation ^^).

Error from make:

Code: Select all

make[2]: Entering directory `/home/De Kus/eggdrop1.6/src/mod/botnetop.mod'
gcc -pipe -shared -o ../../../botnetop.dll ../botnetop.o
../botnetop.o(.text+0x292c): In function `tcl_bop_reqop':
/home/De Kus/eggdrop1.6/src/mod/botnetop.mod/../botnetop.mod/tclcmds.c:26: undef
ined reference to `_Tcl_AppendResult'
../botnetop.o(.text+0x29ac): In function `tcl_bop_letmein':
/home/De Kus/eggdrop1.6/src/mod/botnetop.mod/../botnetop.mod/tclcmds.c:33: undef
ined reference to `_Tcl_AppendResult'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [../../../botnetop.dll] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/De Kus/eggdrop1.6/src/mod/botnetop.mod'
since the error from stats.mod is almost the same (also cries about '_Tcl_AppendResult') it will probably unnessary to post, too.

So my question would be, if these 2 moduls (botnetop is 1.0.1 and stats 1.3.3.dev1 also used in the precompiled windrop build) are simply to old to use with 1.16 or would I have to make a report to sourceforge eggdrop team, so they can fix it? It seems both moduls wont get an update from there author (the newst stats modul is too unstable to use :/) ^^.