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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by Moonster »

Aeternamtech recently killed in the Foonet change of the guard has decided to move on and IS STILL ALIVE!!!!

The Following Link is for Present Aeternamtech customers to keep them informed.
"Knowledge is Power"
BeastNH/Moonster on Undernet/EFnet IRC Network

Aeternam Does Still Live!

Post by pgpkeys »

Hey folks, this is Deryl (pgpkeys) I'm the Director Of Operations for Aeternam Technologies, now known as Eternal Networks, Inc.

We have quite a few loyal customers that frequent this site, and I'd like to take the time to thank Moonstar for the original post and slennox for keeping it.

As you all know or are slowly finding out, JR of FooNet did us dirty. With exactly ZERO notice before hand, including when recent payments were made, at 2:30am he unplugged Aeternam, SharpNet and several others with nothing more than a bi-line the day after on the FooNet website stating that customers with a >45 day overdue account would be shutdown until payment. No notice to *anyone* other than that bi-line, no telephone calls, no email, no IRC/AIM/ICQ/Yahoo, nothing. Just yanked the plug. On top of this, he jacked the pricing for servers from roughly $200 a month to $999.99 a month! He also demanded that we pay forward a month at the new rates in addition to the backbill or he was selling the servers and not accepting payment for the back bill. Either the back bill AND the forward month or no backbill and he'd sell the servers. Yes, that is correct. both a forward and backbill or he'd sell the servers!

There are more intimate details on

Please take the time to read it and if you have an account with FooNet/CIT, we urge you to consider moving your account(s) in the light of this information.
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Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:41 am
Location: Naples, Italy

Post by FIDe` »

The "quite few loyal customers" are tired of been treated in such bad manners since almost two months.
The management of the situation has been the worst possible. Company has shut down servers, gone offline, returned online, reloaded servers without an email to any customer. I know your servers have been cut off without notice, but I hope you have too a list of your customers, out of your servers.
At the moment, aeternamtech servers (porsche and viper and so on) are online and accepting ssh connections, but it's impossible to contact any administrator to recreate old accounts. all account have been deleted, people hasn't service from about 2 months (and many customers have paid for 6months/1year) ; EFNet #eternal & #aeternamtech are +m and only bot-and-angry-people populated. Support doesn't answer to any email; it's impossible to contact any admin in any way., however, is online and proclaming the greatness of this provider.
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways." - Salvor Hardin


Post by tripp »

yes, i too have tried to contact aeternam through email. no response after a week.

their forum has ppl saying they paid for accounts and their accounts are not being activated and they are not receiving any response from email either.

they may say they are up, but it seems really sketchy to me that they are taking ppl's money, not setting up accounts, and even worse imho, not returning emails.

their website says nothing about any problems, which it probably should.

may want to stay clear of aeternam (eternal networks) for a while.

its kind of sad really, i liked aeternamtech when i had accounts with them.

rip another decent shell company.


Post by shells »

i have same problem........i pay many month in advance........they go down

for many week i send many answerings :(.....they say server up and account work for all.........not for me.....i think lying

they stealing shell company $
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Post by dollar »

My shell works fine, so what're you saying? :S
dollar (or something similar) at:
#eggdrop / #tcl - undernet
#egghelp / #tcl / #eggtcl - efnet / #tcl - quakenet
#eggdrop - ircnet

Post by shells »

i say they take money for month ahead and no give back :(

maybe you are work for them or friend?

shell go down long time and no reply

i email ask for money back.....they no reply.....other above have same problem you must above read!