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/ctcp botnick chat causes lockup

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/ctcp botnick chat causes lockup

Post by drako »

no idea why but on 1.6.13 when i dcc chat to the bot all is fine but if i /ctcp bot chat it causes it to lockup and eventually ping out
any one else seen this happen ?

thank Drako :o
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Post by kazoo »

neg, what program are you using for IRC?

Also.. are you using a router?

Post by drako »

the bot is behind a router yes.
we have tried using x-chat and bitchx
the strange thing is if we use dcc chat all is fine but if we ask the bot to start the session ie the /ctcp botnick chat command all goes wrong and the bot pings out

thanks Drako :o
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

have you configured the nat-ip setting in the config file?
De Kus
StarZ|De_Kus, De_Kus or DeKus on IRC
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Post by drako »

thanks that seemed to fix the problem

Drako :lol: