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Small question with the uptime of a eggdrop

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Joined: Tue Mar 04, 2003 10:00 am

Small question with the uptime of a eggdrop

Post by Sphinx »

what is the main thing in having a good eggdrop setup
if you look at some uptimes on eggheads
it amazes me how people manage to keep their bots up so long
is there anything these people do to get it so stable ?
my shell is extremely stable so i dont really have any worries there
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Joined: Wed May 07, 2003 5:31 pm

Post by j0n »

Well, in order to have a "good uptime" you require an excellent uplink, stable hardware, backup power supply, stable operating system, and not pissing off a packet kiddie.

If you have a shell (public), most likely it will not have amazing uptimes. I would assume most of the greater uptimes are from private servers with only a handful of users.