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Help with arrays and lists

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Help with arrays and lists

Post by bisbis »

Hello, im making a tcl script and need some help.
I want to create a variable(or array) like

set namenick "John|johnny:Peter|pete:Jack|ripper"

| is used to separate name from nick and : is used to separate different persons.
Now how can i output them like this:

John has the nickname is johnny
Peter has the nickname pete

Note: We do NOT know how many names/nicks in the variable is.
I used set array but it seemed slow and outputted them in a random order.

Thanks very much in advice!
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Re: Help with arrays and lists

Post by user »

Use a list.

Code: Select all

set namenick {John johnny Peter pete Jack ripper "Firstname Lastname" theNick}
foreach {name nick} $namenick {
  output "$name has the nickname $nick"
The last entry is just to show you how to add names with spaces in them. Your string could be turned into a list like this by splitting it on "|" and ":" (set demo [split $namenick "|:"])
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

refer lappend if you want to add something the list and lreplace to edit in a general TCL help.
De Kus
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