is it possible via a TCL script to tell the bot a user has not quit but split (like capturing via bind quit and return 1). But I couldn't find any command refering to something like this. The cause I want such a script is, because QuakeNet likes to 'quit' user when changing normal hostmark to the authed one. But the bot does not like them to get serverop, beause he they are to supposed to look like they had no op before . Is there a way or shall I give up the idea?
lets end this with an example ^-^
# stopnethack-mode 0
# This setting will make the bot de-op anyone who enters the channel
# with serverops. There are seven different modes for this settings:
# 0 turn off,
# 1 isoptest (allow serverop if registered op)
# 2 wasoptest (allow serverop if op before split)
# 3 allow serverop if isop or wasop
# 4 allow serverop if isop and wasop.
# 5 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 3
# If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 1
# 6 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 2
# If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 4
this would not solve the problem, but just avoid it XD.
but i wouldn't like to, its a security whole. Since all my chans are set +u (supress quit message) the registred quit is a save sign for proper server side rejoin and would be allowed to be threaten as a netsplit.
PS: if I didn't know the options, I wouldn't have posted my bitch setting .
So, if you can see that "Quit (Registered)" then why don't you use the sign bind and check if $nick has quited and returned or something like this? I think I sow a topic about something related to this, you should to a search on the forum.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.