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!word does not start the game

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!word does not start the game

Post by Tommymailno »

I'm curious as to why a part of a word game script won't work. Some of the commands work, but the !word command typed into the channel by users doesn't start the word game.

Here is the parts I'm having trouble with:

Code: Select all

bind pub - !word pub_word

Code: Select all

proc pub_word {nick uhost handle channel args} {
   global wscorefile wlistfile words word_list_count answer winuse \
chan letone lettwo letters specuser glonoff
   if {$glonoff == 0} {
	putserv "PRIVMSG $channel :Sorry, wordgame is turned off, try again later"
   set chn [string tolower $channel]
   if {$word_list_count == 0} {
       if {![validuser $specuser]} {
          set channels [channels]
          adduser $specuser specuser!
          foreach chann $channels {
             setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chann 0
       set word_list_count [getuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn]
       if {$word_list_count == ""} {
          setuser $specuser XTRA wcount.$chn 0
          set $word_list_count 0
       set words ""	
       set fd [open $wlistfile r]
       while {![eof $fd]} {
          lappend words [gets $fd]
       close $fd
I'm a bit new to Eggdrop. And I hope to learn from this experience, so any help to this problem will be hugely appreciated.
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Re: !word does not start the game

Post by Xpert »

Tommymailno wrote:but the !word command typed into the channel by users doesn't start the word game.
There is no command that starts the game in the code you have post :-?
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Post by ]Kami[ »

Hehe it is, but in first code table :mrgreen:
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Post by stdragon »

I don't think you posted the whole script, because nothing in the script ever sends any kind of word to the server, except "the game is turned off". So it's hard to say what the error is. Maybe your word list is empty? Who knows.

Post by Tommymailno »

I figured out what the problem was. There was an error in another part of that script that I somehow failed to notice. Happy to say that everything works great now. :mrgreen:

Anyways, guys, sorry about wasting a bit of your time. And, thanks for trying to help out,