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invalid commands name "get"?

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invalid commands name "get"?

Post by LorT »

Code: Select all

proc team:tmatchlist {channel} {
   global tfile
   if {![file readable $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel]} {
     set fileio [open $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel w]
     puts $fileio ""
     close $fileio
    putlog "1"
   return $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel
     putlog "123"
the bot return
[17:28] 1
[17:28] Tcl error [team:addmatch]: invalid command name "get"

the fiel is writed in $tfile(dir) with the name tmatch-#channel_name

any help with the error message?
i dont see command get in my code.
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Re: invalid commands name "get"?

Post by strikelight »

LorT wrote:

Code: Select all

proc team:tmatchlist {channel} {
   global tfile
   if {![file readable $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel]} {
     set fileio [open $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel w]
     puts $fileio ""
     close $fileio
    putlog "1"
   return $tfile(dir)/tmatch-$channel
     putlog "123"
the bot return
[17:28] 1
[17:28] Tcl error [team:addmatch]: invalid command name "get"

the fiel is writed in $tfile(dir) with the name tmatch-#channel_name

any help with the error message?
i dont see command get in my code.
You didn't post the code related to the error... The message tells you that the error occurs in the procedure 'team:addmatch' (which again, you didn't post).
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Post by LorT »

Code: Select all

proc team:addmatch {nick uhost handle channel arg} {
   global tmatch
   set check [team:charfilter $arg]
   if {$check!=1} {
    putserv "notice $nick :Invalid Character"
   if {([lsearch $arg "team(*"]==-1) || ([lsearch $arg "date(*"]==-1) || ([lsearch $arg "map(*"]==-1)} {
    putserv "notice $nick :Invalid args, your need to enter at least the team(x), date(hh:mm-dd/mm/yy) and map(x) (+ info(x))"
    return 0
  set startindex [lsearch $arg "date(*"]
  set buf [lrange $arg $startindex end]
  set infos [string range $buf 5 [expr [string first ")" $buf]-1]]
  set errormsg [team:checkdate $infos]
  if {$errormsg!=1} {
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :$errormsg"
    return 0
  set infos [clock scan [string map {- { }} $infos]]
  team:counter $channel
  set infos [linsert $infos 0 $tmatch_counter ]

Code: Select all

proc team:counter {channel} {
   global tmatch_counter
   set fileio [open [team:tmatchlist $channel] r]
   set team_list [get $fileio]
   close $fileio
   set tmatch_counter [lindex [lindex [lsort -integer index 0 $team_list] end] 0]
   if {$tmatch_counter==""} {
     set tmatch_counter -1
   incr tmatch_counter
   return tmatch_counter