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!op problem

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!op problem

Post by Real »

First problem:
everybody in the channel can execute the !op command, however I stated in my script that only ops can use it. How is this possible?

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bind pub - !op pub_op

proc pub_op {nick mask hand chan text} {
foreach user [chanlist $chan] { 
  if {[isop $user $chan]} { 
    set opname "[lindex $text 0]"
	if {$opname != ""} {
	 pushmode $chan +o $opname }
Thank you :)
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Revered One
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Post by Sir_Fz »

use this code:

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bind pub - !op pub_op 

proc pub_op {nick mask hand chan text} { 
 if {[isop $nick $chan]} { 
  set opname "[lindex [split $text] 0]" 
  if {$opname != ""} { 
   pushmode $chan +o $opname
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Post by Ofloo »

is this a script to op urself or someone else on the channel cause if it is a script to op somone else then it should work cause ur opped .. but if it is to op urself then just do bindn pub o .. and remove the isop and the check up if first argument is emty..

if it is opme eh cause i think its a strange question when u ask that how it could be that u need to op someone when are checking if ur opped to me this means ur not opped this can only mean that ur not opped and probably are trying to oper urself if its to op someone else without u being opped witch i think is strange then do the same as the previous script but remove the isop and bind to o like it is done below remember that ur eggdrop needs global or channel flags +o

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bind pub o|o !opme opme:pub
proc opme:pub {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
  if {[botisop $chan] && ![isop $nick $chan]} {
    pushmode $chan +o $nick
XplaiN but think of me as stupid
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Joined: Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:27 am

Post by Real »

Ok thank you, I fixed the problem :)

Now there's another small issue

Code: Select all

bind pub - !deop pub_deop

set botname "Botbot"

proc pub_deop {nick mask hand chan text} {
  global botname
 if {[isop $nick $chan]} {
    set deopname "[lindex $text 0]"
	if {[string match -nocase $deopname $botname]} {
       putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :You can't deop $botname !"	
	return }
	if {$deopname == ""} {
	 pushmode $chan -o $nick }
	if {$deopname != ""} {
	 pushmode $chan -o $deopname }
This still deops the bot when using !deop Botbot

Why is this? :cry:
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Post by dollar »

Try this (untested):

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bind pub - !deop pub_deop

proc pub_deop {nick mask hand chan text} {
	if {[isop $nick $chan]} {
		set deopname [lindex [split $text] 0]
		if {[isbotnick $deopname]} {
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :You can't deop $::botnick!"
			return 0
		if {$deopname == ""} {
			pushmode $chan -o $nick
		} else {
			pushmode $chan -o $deopname
dollar (or something similar) at:
#eggdrop / #tcl - undernet
#egghelp / #tcl / #eggtcl - efnet / #tcl - quakenet
#eggdrop - ircnet