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adding text (bot chat) to logfile

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adding text (bot chat) to logfile

Post by ribot »

hello friend :)

It seems that di old bot doesn't log its own public chatter, so I wonder how I can do that.
The chatter is when the bot sends strings to channels, so it should be as easy as:
"putlog $string"
but I want this text to be added to a specific file: channel.log.
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read doc/tcl-commands.doc

Post by user »

putloglev <level(s)> <channel> <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, tagged with all of the valid levels given. Use "*" to indicate all log levels.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
Have you ever read "The Manual"?
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Re: adding text (bot chat) to logfile

Post by bruhv »

ribot wrote:hello friend :)

It seems that di old bot doesn't log its own public chatter, so I wonder how I can do that.
The chatter is when the bot sends strings to channels, so it should be as easy as:
"putlog $string"
but I want this text to be added to a specific file: channel.log.
user wrote:putloglev <level(s)> <channel> <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, tagged with all of the valid levels given. Use "*" to indicate all log levels.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
been looking to sort this for a while, as i'm fed up with having to use another client just to log the bot's chat, but, no matter how hard i study the above it just doesn't fall into place for me :/
anyone fancy writing a quick bit of code that will make the bot add it's own chat to the logs, or to just one particular log file?
would be very much appreciated

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Post by YooHoo »

Maybe something similar to this... :P

Code: Select all

set botchatlog "botchat.log"

bind pubm - * pubm:botchat

proc pubm:botchat  {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global botnick botchatlog
  if {![$nick == $botnick]} {return 0}
    set bc [open $botchatlog w]
    puts $bc "$text"
    close $bc
with a smidgen of luck, this 'lil script should log only public output from the eggdrop aware that this is untested, but I would appreciate any input :mrgreen:
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Post by deadite66 »

is their a way to get the bots output to the channel log.
it really annoying having an AI script and not have its sayings logged when they are published online.

can't believe with all the scripts there isn't a way or someone hasn't made a patch :/
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Post by demond »

use [putloglev] with a level defined in your [logfile] command:

Code: Select all

logfile jk1 #lamest "logs/lamest.log"
inside the script, AI or otherwise:

Code: Select all

putloglev 1 $chan $text
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Post by deadite66 »

the script is bmotion so it has tcl scripts everywhere, i'll experiment sticking the putloglev command in various places.