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i'm looking for a script that might be able to this....

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Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Nov 11, 2003 4:34 pm

i'm looking for a script that might be able to this....

Post by grinch157 »


i was wondering if there was a script that would or could, log onto fserves and pull a directory list and the take that info and write into a database type file or txt file(same dif i suppose). would such a thing exist? or would it have to be written speacial, if it's posible at all.? what i like to do is have this script pull a list from each fserv and complie a "MASTER" list from that data and have that master list available for a search by pub command. and it would show like that requested search file is available on "fserv1", "fserve3", and "fserve9".... you get the idea. i've done some searching and found references to pull a directory listing(s) from yourself but nothing that would suggest about going about to pull one from others..

can anyone help me with some usefull information?
thanks in advance