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biblebot needed

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biblebot needed

Post by woodencross »

Hey guys,

I need a biblebot, a tcl-script with a database or something like that. I'm managing a christian channel on the irc and that would b really cool. I saw some equal bots on another server, but they don't give it to others nor can join with that bot on another server. So I need an own script for that.

Anyone here who knows?
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Joined: Sat Apr 10, 2004 5:53 pm

Post by bruhv »

i found a bible.tcl that works (or seems to) fine


(11:46:19) (@bruhv|work) !bible genesis 1:12
(11:46:20) (@orac) bruhv|work: <genesis 1:12> The earth brought forth grass, herbs yielding seed after their kind, and trees bearing fruit, with its seed in it, after their kind; and God saw that it was good.

find it here...

although i have read stuff about bible.tcl having 'a gaping security hole', i believe it's a different script, if someone could verify one way or the other would be helpful

Post by woodencross »

thx for your posting, that's really what I need. But the bible is in english, i need a german one. And it musn't send the verses via query, but in the main chat window.
I'll try this one and see how it works :wink:
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Post by bruhv »

a simple edit to send the verses to the channel, that's where mine go ;)
you need to download a set of files for it to work, maybe there's a german version of this data?

good luck