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Bot linking and userfile sharing through SSH!

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Bot linking and userfile sharing through SSH!

Post by PreRunnerBri »

I have two bots which are both firewalled and cannot be telnet'd to in anyway. Is there a way to get them to link and share userfiles using SSH. If ya kno, could u please describe how it is done and what would be needed in order to do it correctly...Thanks in advance!
Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:09 am

Post by puffi »

Never did it myself but, you that is what you have to do in general.

on the Leaf-Bot's Box initiate a ssh-connection with the following..

Code: Select all

ssh -f -L <some-avail-localport>:<hubbot's-port> <user>@<hub's-box-address>
-f Forks the ssh-client to the background and -L opens a port on the calling box, that redirects everything it gets to the hub's port.

Now you add your bot with

Code: Select all

.+bot <hub><some-avail-localport-you-just-defined-above>
Tell me if it worked :P