i am using a Portuguese irc network to connect my bot to.. and i've been so many hours trying to figure this out.. can anyone help ?
So the problem is like this... (SirHackaLot is the name of the bot)
Translated to english(23:43) › Join: SirHackaLot entrou (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Part: SirHackaLot saiu #gsmdevices (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Join: GuestDE22DD entrou (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Nick: GuestDE22DD agora é SirHackaLot
(23:44) › Quit: SirHackaLot saiu do IRC (SirHackaLo@ Client exited
As you see .. the bot enters the channel.. but after a while it just disconects.. and enters again.. IDs itself.. but it does not authenticate to nickserv (i think).. so it goes out again.. and on.. and out.. and on.. until klined...(23:43) › Join: SirHackaLot enters (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Part: SirHackaLot left #gsmdevices (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Join: GuestDE22DD enters (SirHackaLo@
(23:44) › Nick: GuestDE22DD is now known as SirHackaLot
(23:44) › Quit: SirHackaLot left IRC (SirHackaLo@ Client exited (here i've killed the PID.. so not actually klined)
I tryed a lot of id tcl scripts and none worked .. and i think it is coz they were translations of the comand "/msg nickserv identify <password>" to TCL but for security reasons PTNET's nickserv does not allow such id.. it requires the /quote command.. such as "/quote nickserv identify <password>"
I am a newbie on this tcl scripting (i bet u noticed this right ? ) so i still don't really know how the sintax is processed. In order to pprocess my identification on IRC client i use the cmd line "/quote NickServ <pass>", how can i put the same thing on my bot when it starts .. but in TCL format or in eggdrop.conf (so that he can id him self when on network entry)?
Heellllppp plzz... i am going coocooo with this !!
Thankz in advance to all scripters..