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weird issue with .stick, sticky bans.

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Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:51 pm

weird issue with .stick, sticky bans.

Post by taliesen »

ok, let me explain what exactly is happening....

setup a new eggdrop, compiled fine and all that.

linked new bot to an existing botnet, grabbing a user file off the hub..

since that time, when the bot connects to IRC, and after its finished getting ops and so on, it bans the first nick it comes across in its internal nick list.

now i removed the sticky bans, and it stopped banning this random person.

i then tried to compile the bot on another shell, same conf file(only changed the vhost) and it works like a charm.

soooo i recomile on the original shell, did the same exact things, still bans the random person.

things i have tried...
unlinked from botnet, added new sticky ban on this bot, problem still happens...
linked to the botnet, removed all sticky bans, readded them, problem still happens...
compiled and tried on both 1.6.16 and 1.6.15, same problem on both.

sooo... whats left... the shell, tcl is 8.5 on the problem shell, tcl is 8.1 on the working one. thats all i could see different during the configure/make config/make/make install process between the 2 shells, might have missed something..

now is there some known bug that might cause this? should i bitch at my shell admin? should i just give up?....
