Code: Select all
utimer xx [list <you code goes here>]
Code: Select all
.dump privmsg nickserv register <nick> <pass> <e-mail>
Code: Select all
#Set the password to register the nick with
set pass "irule"
#Set the email to register the nick with
set email ""
bind evnt - init-server delay:in:register
proc delay:in:register {type} {
global botnick pass email
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws" -next
utimer 35 [list register:nick $pass $email]
proc register:nick {pass email} {
global botnick
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv :REGISTER $botnick $pass $email" -next
Code: Select all
utimer 35 "putquick \"PRIVMSG nickserv :REGISTER $botnick $pass $email\" -next"