hi I searched for dlearn in the forums and didn't have any luck the url the author shows doesn't seem to be valid currently so have a couple questions.
first does anyone know of a multiroom version of this script or something similar?
so one eggdrop in rooms #a and #b
?? help in #a would not be the same as ?? help in #b ?
second anyway to mod this script (no tcl guru) to let one use
!trigger (not ! trigger) migrating some rooms over from some old mirc bots and its harder to retrain many users than find a way to make the bot migration look seamless
hmm, seems like the link expired or something .. go to the front page on this website, www.egghelp.org, and then click the Tcl Archive link, then search for dlearn.
I dont know of any learn scripts that have support for multpiple chans like that, maybe someone else does.
And I dont understand your last question. You are migrating something from a mirc script and have some sort of problem with it ?