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kick on mIRC32 reply

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by GHz »

hi is it possible to get a tcl script that kickban or just kicks people who joins my linux chan with mIRC clients, lots of windows users idles in my chan.
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Post by Yourname »

Simple, there are some scripts that kick on version reply as Microsoft CHAT.. modify it to mirc reply :wink:
Dormant egghead.

Post by gpdza »

This is probably the lamest idea I've ever heard. I can understand not wanting to have MS Chat clients because of the garbage they tend to generate, but why mIRC? There's nothing wrong with it really. And why do you have such a problem with Windows users wanting to learn Linux?

Post by GHz »

well it doesnt make sense that mIRC uses idles in a linux chan, they should be in #windows :wink:

Post by GHz »

thanks yourname ill look for that script :smile:

Post by GHz »

gpdza yes your right in some way where should the ppl learn it from ? :razz:
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Post by RedAlert »

mirc works fine under wine, you know...
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Post by Petersen »

<rant> and why shouldn't windows users idle in a linux chan? take me for example, I have 2 win2k boxes, a 1 linux, 1 freebsd, and soon 1 solaris. When I irc, I always use mirc because I want a gui client, and I hate xchat. However, just cos I happen to be ircing from a winbox, doesn't mean I don't have knowledge about linux. </rant>

Post by tajson »

On 2002-01-19 17:00, GHz wrote:
well it doesnt make sense that mIRC uses idles in a linux chan, they should be in #windows :wink:
That is so lame, you also know that all unices is still server os? (excluding BeOS and MacOS X?) I irc trouh one of my shellservers, but still I'm using Windows. Kick me to?
The reson they use mirc is that they don't own servers themself as I do. Everybody is not that lucky as me to own great servers with lots of cool reverse hosts, and they want to use mIRC. I belive mIRC is a damn good IRC client, and if mIRC hadn't exists - you might not be on IRC today. Epic/bitchx/whatever didn't make IRC to the public service it is today.

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Post by Yourname »

/me agrees.
Infact, People from India, atleast a 90% of them did'nt know what IRC wuz, untill they started seeing a small Icon on the desktop of cyber café computers that read 'mIRC32'

mIRC is the best for windows if you'd say BitchX is good for *nix. Everyone has their own opinion.

And extricating mIRC users from his chan is nothing bad as you guys are portraying it. If gpdza sez that MS chat is banned cuz of its weird outputs, the MS chat users wud say 'no way! its lovely' cuz they use it, and they use it cuz they love it.

People have different opinions about most of the things, just cuz you are leet doesnt mean everyone else is, and shud think just the way you do.

I hope i get my point across. :smile:

Dormant egghead.

Post by GHz »

yeah maybe your right and i cant find that ms chat thing so i forgot all about, but thanks anyway for your replys :smile:
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Post by BlasterHacker »

me agrees
i have lotsa shells , huge botnet and an ircd , but i still irc trough bouncer with mirc. am i lame now?
and windows users come to linux chans to learn so dont kick them.

Post by MaNUaL »

1. If you mind about idlers have a bot to kick them if they idle for more than an hour...or something like that.
2. I should suppose you havent used windows and mirc before, not even while you were trying to learn linux eh?
3. I agree with the other posts....We have many systems including windows..and its our freedom to choose what client to use..
4. Linux clients never idle?


Post by GHz »

blaster hacker no your not lame :smile: i do see your point

Post by GHz »

manual i hav nothing against idlers it was about mirc32, and i never joined a linux chan with mirc32 because i would feel stupid if i did. and i got a windows system too but never use mIRC not even if my linuxbox is down i rather wait to its up again :razz: thats my opinion, and i take the "freedom to not use mIRC.