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automatic reconnect after disconnect

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automatic reconnect after disconnect

Post by meks »


i'm running eggdrop 1.6.17 on linux 2.6.9.

i got the following "annoyance", its not really a problem in fact:

my isp makes use of 8-hour-disconnects as well as dynamically assigned ip-adresses.
because of this, my eggdrop gets disconnected from quakenet every 8 hours as well, but instead reconnecting after, lets say, 1 minute, my eggdrop usually takes 30min-2h until he's back @ quakenet.
in fact, the process keeps running, but my bot simply does nothing.
understand me, i can access telnet without problems, can change channel settings and so on, the only thing the bot does not is reconnecting to the quakenet.

it reconnects very well after .jump on the party-line, but i've to do that manually each and every 8 hours.

so, my "annoyance" is, that the bot takes veryyyyy long to reconnect.
is t here any way to speed this up?

i got the following settings:
set never-give-up 1
set server-cycle-wait 5
set server-timeout 5
set servlimit 0
set check-stoned 1
set serverror-quit 1

i tried the following script as well, but it didnt work as expected...
bind evnt - disconnect-server meks:reconnect
proc meks:reconnect {t} {

anybody got some solution?
i'd really appreciate it...
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Post by YooHoo »

This text is quoted from Setting Up Your Eggdrop
slennox wrote:set server-cycle-wait: by default, Eggdrop waits 60 seconds between connection attempts to servers. This is quite a long time, but it is necessary to prevent 'throttling' on Undernet servers (if a server gets too many connection attempts from a particular host within a short period of time, it will block all connections from that host until there's been a break in connection attempts). If you use Undernet and you're sharing a shell with lots of other bot users, leave this set to 60. Otherwise, it's a good idea to decrease this to something like 20.
I would also make sure the bot is not klined on 90% of the servers listed under set servers {} by sitting in telnet with appropriate console flags (+mkobcxs). Hope this helps :mrgreen: