I'm finally back (from the old board)
I'm having this problem. I run many bots from the same directory, so using the same eggdrop executable, the same /netbots/ directory and same scripts. One exception is that I've seperated my klined.tcl scripts: (klined-bot1.tcl, klined-bot2.tcl), and the list of servers that k-lined me are stored in "bot1.klines", "bot2.klines", etc.
My problem is that when a k-line happens, the bot is more likely to go into an endless loop, delink from the botnet and doesn't come back.... until I get to the shell, kill the PID, and start it up again.
So, questions, is the problem being klined.tcl itself? or is it because I renamed the file?
Unfortunately, because of this, I have nothing in my log telling me who k-lined the bot, nor for the kill reason.
By the way, I received a nice D-Line today (thanks to vuurwerk). Is the code in klined.tcl effective enough for that?