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channel notice invite protect

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channel notice invite protect

Post by e-force »

Hello, can someone give me TCL, which protect my channel from "/notice #channel" and "/notice #channel *#*" ?
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Post by demond »

no, nobody can give you such script, if by "protect" you mean forbidding people to notice the chan with URLs and channel names

but you can kick & ban those people, using a script such as spambuster.tcl
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Post by e-force »

thank you!
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Post by e-force »

e-force wrote:thank you!
But it require apache 2.0 and eggdrop 1.6.x, i love my 1.4.x! It doesn`t work for me.
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Post by demond »

why would you prefer 1.4 over 1.6?
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Post by awyeah »

I made a small proc earlier which I use on some channels on DALnet. Basically this triggers a small lock when a notice is sent, as generally notices are only sent by flooders. (ops and voices are exempted)

When a notice is sent by a non-op, non-voice user, the bot will lock the channel for some seconds to +mR if *m* is not already placed in the channel and then will go ahead and kick/ban that user and any other user which matches that users *!* A handy script to use.

Code: Select all

#Channels where the notice script is supposed to work on.
set noticechans "#india #sayangabang #italy #lcas #bharat"

bind notc - "*" chan:notice:kick

proc chan:notice:kick {nick uhost hand text {chan ""}} {
 global botnick noticechans notice_lock
  if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $noticechans] [string tolower $chan]] == -1) || ([string equal $nick "ChanServ"]) || (![botisop $chan]) || ([isbotnick $nick]) || ([isop $nick $chan]) || ([isvoice $nick $chan]) || ([string match "Server flood protection activated for" $text])} { return 0 }
  if {(![info exists notice_lock($chan)]) && (![string match *m* [getchanmode $chan]])} {
   putquick "MODE $chan +mR-k flood.locked" -next;
   set notice_lock($chan) "locked"; utimer 10 [list remove:lock $chan]
   if {([info exists notice_lock($chan)])} { utimer 20 [list unset notice_lock($chan)] }
    set noticeban "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost "@"] 1]"; putquick "MODE $chan +b $noticeban" -next; timer 60 "pushmode $chan -b $noticeban"
    putquick "KICK $chan $nick :0,1 Channel Notice Kick 12,0 - The usage of 2*notices* 12in this channel 2is prohibited." -next
     foreach user [chanlist $chan] {
      if {([string match -nocase *$noticeban* "${user}![getchanhost $user $chan]"]) && (![isop $user $chan]) && (![isvoice $user $chan])} {
       putquick "KICK $chan $user :T3: You are terminated - Copyright © 2004 awyeah Inc. All rights reserved." -next
 return 0

proc remove:lock {chan} {
 if {([botisop $chan]) && ([string match *m* [getchanmode $chan]])} {
  putquick "MODE $chan -mRk unlocked"; return

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PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by e-force »

Thats right, this is the script exactly i`m searching for. Thank you verry much!
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Post by awyeah »

Hehe, okay well I use this in conjunction with two very similar scripts. If a the an action/channel message has more than the number of characters defined, say 300 chars or more, or has many control codes than defined, say more than 20, then it goes ahead and locks and does the same as this notice script does.

If you know how this works, I beleive you can make similar ones like this. :)

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Post by demond »

awyeah wrote:I made a small proc earlier which I use on some channels on DALnet. Basically this triggers a small lock when a notice is sent, as generally notices are only sent by flooders. (ops and voices are exempted)

When a notice is sent by a non-op, non-voice user, the bot will lock the channel for some seconds to +mR if *m* is not already placed in the channel and then will go ahead and kick/ban that user and any other user which matches that users *!* A handy script to use.
you don't need to check for server notice (BTW, there are others besides "Server flood protection activated"); server notices don't triger NOTC bind
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Post by awyeah »

I know, but once this serv notc, came when a flood occured. Server flood protection activated for #india

And the bot banned *!* So I was presuming, this as a redundant ban and that notice, mainly on the bahamut IRCd to be the source of that.

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PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by demond »

you should report that to eggheads as a bug :) not supposed to happen
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Post by Alchera »

awyeah wrote:And the bot banned *!*
[06:51] <Enfield> [15:52] #Alchera# whois dalnet
[06:51] <Enfield> DALnet yes 0 fA 05:39 (#Ballarat)
[06:51] <Enfield> HOSTS: *!*
DALnet services are the ones that get banned/ignored (depending on eggdrop flood settings) not the server itself! As NickServ &c are IRCOps the ban has no effect but the ignoring does which is why I added (yrs ago) DALnet as a global "friend". As for the "Server flood protection activated ..." notices, since DALnet banned file sharing that is now a very rare event these days.
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