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blank spaces in DCC CHAT

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blank spaces in DCC CHAT

Post by spyda »

I have been playing with a script that uses a DCC CHAT windows for all the game operations.... What I have had problem with is indenting clear spaces.

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I am currenty have one way working using "/002 /002", but there must be a better way to doing it...

Anyhelp would be must helpful
asusNET Services Online in 2005
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Post by greenbear »

" " should be enough most of the time, if not, you can try using \x20
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Post by egghead »

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[format value arg]

Post by spyda »

Thanx for the reply egghead..

Can you just give me a example on how I can add spaces to the start of the value using format. I worked on it to much that I give up and went searching. I found out that when it comes to mirc and dcc, any spaces that I add to the start of the value gets taken out. :(

This still works, but \x20 doesn't

Code: Select all

set output "\002\002text"
Thank you for anymore help
asusNET Services Online in 2005
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Post by greenbear »

\x20 works, but your irc client, mIRC is stripping it, out.
\002\002 wont create a space, it will create a control code that appears blank in your client, and wont neccesarily look the same in every irc client out there.

So maybe you should look at how to fix it on the client side, and not in tcl.
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De Kus
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Post by De Kus »

I believe he uses "set output " \002 \002 text" :) this will magically not strip the spaces... at least in mIRC.
De Kus
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Post by spock »

format "<spaces here> %s" "your text"
format "<spaces here> %s" $yourvar

but as gb mentioned, if your client is stripping spaces it dont matter how you're handing them to it