This is what was initially tried:
Code: Select all
bind evnt - init-server handle:serverinit
proc handle:serverinit {type} {
global nick botnick nickpass nickservmask
set nickauthed 2
if { $nick != $botnick } {
putquick "PRIVMSG nickserv :GHOST $nick $nickpass"
utimer 1 [subst "putquick \"NICK :$nick\""]
utimer 2 [subst "putquick \""$nickservmask :identify $nickpass\""]
} else {
putquick "$nickservmask :identify $nickpass"
putlog "Chanservneed: $nick $nickpass"
okay, I tried something, I went to original init proc in the .conf file and added "handle:serverinit" while uncommenting the bind within the nickserv script. After the first run I noticed... hey you idiot... you forgot to add the required argument... but not even a TCL error has been logged for it. It completly ignores it. I pasted the init-server proc structure from the original eggdrop.conf along with eggdrop 1.7.0 CVS (the current one, not the one now named 1.9). This is how it looked when triing to call the 2nd proc:
Code: Select all
proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +Bxi-ws"
handle:serverinit init_server
Edit: topic