and that nick part I have fix with one script to ban everyone who has at least two numbers on in this way.. "*00*" "*01*" "*02*"........"*99*"
but who to ban those peoples also with their identify part on host??
I'm try to use that banmask.tcl script but it doesn't work and I don't know why??
I have try many ways, if I put ex *!*00*@* it bans everuone one the channel. if I try !*00*@* or just *00*@* it doesn't work at all...
So how to fix it??
Please help me fast, I'm really pist of on those flooders....
Bots from my Network don't have identd, so they all have the ~ in the ident. From your example i see what they don't have the ~, so you can try put these bans.
I don't think that helps.. because the question mark is one mark ( number or character ) so then te nick or host have to be as long as you have put on the bans....
same problem for me the bots start the ident with a lether folowed by numbers i made something like that if the ident start with 1 lether and 2 digits afther do ...
We've had the same problems. The people seem to not like us having a Online Radio Station. I simply banned all their hostmask on the 2nd level: ie *!*@* Seemed to work. It was a temp ban so ppl from that ISP can join later on
# Use: .chanset #channel +/-spambot to enable/disable spambot.
set lock_modes "cmR"
set kmsg "Spam Bot: It's been nice knowing you.. well actually, it hasn't."
# Set this to the ban mask type you want,
# 0 - *!user@host.domain
# 1 - *!*user@host.domain
# 2 - *!*@host.domain
# 3 - *!*user@*.domain
# 4 - *!*@*.domain
# 5 - nick!user@host.domain
# 6 - nick!*user@host.domain
# 7 - nick!*@host.domain
# 8 - nick!*user@*.domain
# 9 - nick!*@*.domain
# You can also specify a type of 10 to 19 which correspond to masks 0 to 9.
# But if the host.domain is a;
# hostname = Instead of using a * wildcard to replace portions of the
# host.domain, it replaces the numbers in the host.domain with
# a '?' (question mark) wildcard.
# ip = It will mask as normal, with no '?' (question mark)
# replacements as does hostname.
# examples:
# maskhostbytype MC_8! 3 => *!*mc8@*
# maskhostbytype MC_8! 13 => *!*mc8@austin???
# credits:
# mIRC - using its numbering system for [type].
# returns:
# - <nick!user@host.domain> masked accordingly.
set ban_type 13
##################### DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE!! #####################
# Check to see if mc.more_tools script is loaded.
if {![info exists mc_moretools(loaded)] } {putloglev o * "*** Can't load Antispam Bot TCL -- mc.more_tools TCL required.";return}
setudef flag spambot
set unlockin 60
bind join - * join:spambot:check
proc join:spambot:check {nick uhost hand chan} {
if {[isbotnick $nick] || [matchattr $hand f|f $chan] || ![botisop $chan] || ![channel get $chan spambot]} {return}
regexp {^([^@]+)} $uhost _ ident
if {[regexp -nocase {^[^aeiou_^-`]{4,}$} $nick] || [regexp {.*[0-9]} $ident] && ([string length $ident] > 5)} {
putquick "MODE $chan +$::lock_modes" -next
if {[regexp {([0-9]$){1}} $ident]} {set banmask \
"*!*[string range $ident end end]*@*"
} else {set banmask [maskhostbytype $nick!$uhost $::ban_type]}
putquick "MODE $chan +b $banmask" -next
putquick "KICK $chan $nick :$::kmsg"
putquick "notice $nick :$::kmsg"
putloglev c * "Anti Spam Bot: $nick has been kicked from $chan. Consonant Nick or Numerical Ident \[$nick!$ident\]"
utimer $::unlockin [list chan:unlock $chan]
# unlock
proc chan:unlock {chan} {
set tmp [split [string trim [lindex [split [getchanmode $chan]] 0] "+"] ""]
if {[regexp -all [join [split $::lock_modes ""] "|"] $tmp] == [string length $::lock_modes]} {
putquick "MODE $chan -$::lock_modes" -next
### End ###