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Make Join count for ALL users

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Posts: 187
Joined: Tue Mar 15, 2005 4:42 pm

Make Join count for ALL users

Post by Thunderdome »

Code: Select all

# Join counter by Turbo-
# Version 2.4
# DCC Commands:
# .+join <number> - (Owner) To increase the amount of joins.
# .-join <number> - (Owner) To decrease the amount of joins.
# .joins [nick] - (Friends) To see the current count. And see counts of others
# .countnotice <on/off> - (Masters) To turn the on-join notice on/off.
# Pub Commands:
# !joins [nick] - (Friends) To see the current count. And see counts of others

# EMail, and tell me some bugs or fixes.  hell, send
# comments if ya want. you can find me in #Consortium on EFNet too by the
# bot is proof this script works :P

### Fixed from 1.0:
# -Everything got fixed!  Nothing worked!
### Fixed from 1.1:
# -The conformation didnt work quite right
### Fixed from 1.2:
# -.+join and .-join are fixed
# -Only notices you if you join the channel specified in countchan
### Fixed from 1.3:
# -That annoying can't find 'startcountdate' error
### Changed from 1.4:
# -The conformation looks nicer
### Added from 1.5:
# -Now counts how many times each user has joined
# -Its still only, a single channel TCL =(
### Fixed from 2.0:
# -It used to add 2 joins for the first join, its fixed now
### Added from 2.1:
# -You can use !joins, and .joins to view others join stats
# -The conformation said that version 2.1 was 2.0, its fixed now
### Added from 2.2:
# -You can use the .+join and .-join to change certain users stats
### Fixed from 2.3:
# -The user-get and user-set and all that stuff is fixed

# As far as I've tested, this script works for eggdrop1.0x, eggdrop1.1.x,
# eggdrop1.2.x, and eggdrop1.3.x, I have recently updated it it and made
# v2.4, it works with 1.3.x now, I tested it on a bot owned by george11,
# thanx man.

# Your eggdrop's main version.  If your bot is 1.1.5, the ver is 1.1
# 1.1.x is 1.1 --- 1.2.x is 1.2 --- 1.3.x is 1.3
set eggver "1.3"

# File to save the join number too
set what_file "joins.dat"

# If you change 'what_file', make sure that filename is the same in start_var is the same!
set start_var "[open joins.dat r]"

# Wether or not to send a notice with the current count to the person joining
set donotice "on"

# Date you start this script
set startcountdate "April 11th 2004"

# The channel this bot rests on, damn TCL, only one channel tho 
set countchan "#thunderdome"

###### BINDS ## DONT TOUCH ######

bind dcc n -join take_joins
bind dcc n +join add_joins
bind dcc f joins how_many
bind join - "*" counterj
bind pub f !joins pub_many
bind dcc m countnotice on_off_notice

######## ACTUAL SCRIPT! DONT CHANGE! ########

# If you eggdrop1.2 or 1.3, you probably dont have user-get
if {[lsearch -exact [strlwr [info commands]] [strlwr user-get]] == -1} {
proc user-get {handle key} {
  set xtra [getxtra $handle]
  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $xtra]} {incr i} {
    set this [lindex $xtra $i]
    if {[string compare [lindex $this 0] $key] == 0} {
      return [lindex $this 1]
  return ""   

# If you are eggdrop1.2 or 1.3, you probably dont have user-set either
if {[lsearch -exact [strlwr [info commands]] [strlwr user-set]] == -1} {
proc user-set {handle key data} {
  set xtra [getxtra $handle]
  # is key already there?
  for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $xtra]} {incr i} {
    set this [lindex $xtra $i]
    if {[string compare [lindex $this 0] $key] == 0} {
      set this [list $key $data]
      setxtra $handle [lreplace $xtra $i $i $this]
  lappend xtra [list $key $data]
  setxtra $handle $xtra

# If the join file doesnt exist, make one
if {![file exists $what_file]} {
    set WhatFile [open $what_file w]
    puts $WhatFile "1"
    close $WhatFile

# The join section for counting joins
proc counterj {nick uhost hand chan} {
global what_file donotice startcountdate countchan monthj eggver
    # Change the main file
    set joinedchan "[string tolower $chan]"
    if {$countchan != $joinedchan} {
      return 0
    set WhatFile "[open $what_file r]"
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
	set joinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
    set WhatFile "[open $what_file w]"
    puts $WhatFile "[expr $joinsnum + 1]"
    close $WhatFile
    set WhatFile "[open $what_file r]"
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
	set joinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
    # Single user statistics
    if {[validuser $hand] == 1} {
     if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
      if {[user-get $hand joins] == ""} {
        user-set $hand joins 0
     if {$eggver == "1.3" } {
      if {[getuser $hand xtra joins] == ""} {
        setuser $hand xtra joins 0
      if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
        if {[user-get $hand date] == ""} {
        # I'm a perfectionist :P  Gotta get that damn date right! =)
        set joindate "[date]"
        set datej "[lindex $joindate 0]"
        set monthj "[lindex $joindate 1]"
        set yearj "[lindex $joindate 2]"
        if {$monthj=="Jan"} { set monthj "January" }
        if {$monthj=="Feb"} { set monthj "February" }
        if {$monthj=="Mar"} { set monthj "March" }
        if {$monthj=="Apr"} { set monthj "April" }
        if {$monthj=="May"} { set monthj "May" }
        if {$monthj=="Jun"} { set monthj "June" }
        if {$monthj=="Jul"} { set monthj "July" }
        if {$monthj=="Aug"} { set monthj "August" }
        if {$monthj=="Sep" || $monthj=="Sept"} { set monthj "September" }
        if {$monthj=="Oct"} { set monthj "October" }
        if {$monthj=="Nov"} { set monthj "November" }
        if {$monthj=="Dec"} { set monthj "December" }
        set jdate "$monthj $datej $yearj"
        if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
        if {[getuser $hand xtra date] == ""} {
        # I'm a perfectionist :P  Gotta get that damn date right! =)
        set joindate "[date]"
        set datej "[lindex $joindate 0]"
        set monthj "[lindex $joindate 1]"
        set yearj "[lindex $joindate 2]"
        if {$monthj=="Jan"} { set monthj "January" }
        if {$monthj=="Feb"} { set monthj "February" }
        if {$monthj=="Mar"} { set monthj "March" }
        if {$monthj=="Apr"} { set monthj "April" }
        if {$monthj=="May"} { set monthj "May" }
        if {$monthj=="Jun"} { set monthj "June" }
        if {$monthj=="Jul"} { set monthj "July" }
        if {$monthj=="Aug"} { set monthj "August" }
        if {$monthj=="Sep" || $monthj=="Sept"} { set monthj "September" }
        if {$monthj=="Oct"} { set monthj "October" }
        if {$monthj=="Nov"} { set monthj "November" }
        if {$monthj=="Dec"} { set monthj "December" }
        if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
          user-set $hand date $jdate
        if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
          setuser $hand xtra date $jdate       
      if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
      if {[user-get $hand date] != "" && [user-get $hand joins] != ""} {
        set pjoins [user-get $hand joins]
        set njoins [expr $pjoins + 1]
        user-set $hand joins $njoins
        set newjoins [user-get $hand joins]
        set ldate [user-get $hand date]
        if {$donotice=="on"} {
          putserv "NOTICE $nick :5(INFO): 4,5You are gabber number0,5 $joinsnum 4,5to join $chan since $startcountdate, and you've joined0,5 $newjoins 4,5times since $ldate"
          return 0
      if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
      if {[getuser $hand xtra date] != "" && [getuser $hand xtra joins] != ""} {
        set pjoins [getuser $hand xtra joins]
        set njoins [expr $pjoins + 1]
        setuser $hand xtra joins $njoins
        set newjoins [getuser $hand xtra joins]
        set ldate [getuser $hand xtra date]
        if {$donotice=="on"} {
          putserv "NOTICE $nick :5(INFO): 4,5You are gabber number0,5 $joinsnum 4,5to join $chan since $startcountdate, and you've joined0,5 $newjoins 4,5times since $ldate"
          return 0
    # Non-user join
    if {$donotice=="on"} {
      putserv "NOTICE $nick :5(INFO): 4,5You are gabber number0,5 $joinsnum 4,5to join $chan since $startcountdate"
      return 0
    return 0

# The dcc .joins command section
proc how_many {hand idx arg} {
global what_file countchan startcountdate eggver
if {$arg==""} {
putlog "#$hand# joins"
set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
        set dccjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
set dccnewjoins [user-get $hand joins]
set dccldate [user-get $hand date]
if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
set dccnewjoins [getuser $hand xtra joins]
set dccldate [getuser $hand xtra date]
putdcc $idx "There have been $dccjoinsnum joins in $countchan since $startcountdate, and you've joined $dccnewjoins times since $dccldate"
return 0
} }
if {$arg != ""} {
  if {[validuser $arg] == 0} {
    putdcc $idx "$arg is an invalid username"
    return 0
  putlog "#$hand# joins $arg"
  set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
  while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
    set dccjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
  close $WhatFile
if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
set dccnewjoins [user-get $arg joins]
set dccldate [user-get $arg date]
if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
set dccnewjoins [getuser $arg xtra joins]
set dccldate [getuser $arg xtra date]
putdcc $idx "There have been $dccjoinsnum joins in $countchan since $startcountdate, and $arg has joined $dccnewjoins times since $dccldate"
return 0
} }

# The public !joins command section
proc pub_many {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
global what_file startcountdate countchan eggver
    set joinedchan2 [string tolower $chan]
    if {$countchan != $joinedchan2} {
      return 0
if {$rest == ""} {
set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
        set pubjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
set pubnewjoins [user-get $hand joins]
set publdate [user-get $hand date]
if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
set pubnewjoins [getuser $hand xtra joins]
set publdate [getuser $hand xtra date]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :There have been $pubjoinsnum joins in $chan since $startcountdate, and you've joined $pubnewjoins times since $publdate"
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$hand! !joins"
return 0
} }
if {$rest != ""} {
if {[validuser $rest] == 0} {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :$rest is an invalid username"
return 0
set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
        set pubjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
set pubnewjoins [user-get $rest joins]
set publdate [user-get $rest date]
if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
set pubnewjoins [getuser $rest xtra joins]
set publdate [getuser $rest xtra date]
putserv "NOTICE $nick :There have been $pubjoinsnum joins in $chan since $startcountdate, and $rest has joined $pubnewjoins times since $publdate"
putcmdlog "<<$nick>> !$hand! !joins $rest"
return 0
} }

# Adds joins to total count, and other user stats
proc add_joins {hand idx arg} {
global what_file eggver
    if {$arg==""} {
      putdcc $idx "Usage: +join \[user\] <# to add>"
      return 0
    set a1 "[lindex $arg 0]"
    set a2 "[lindex $arg 1]"
    if {$a2 == ""} {
    putlog "#$hand# +join"
    if {$arg<0 || $arg>100} {
      putdcc $idx "$arg is out of my range, sorry!"
      return 0
    set amntadd "$arg"
    set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
        set addjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
    putdcc $idx "Old total $addjoinsnum"
    putdcc $idx "Adding $amntadd"
    set WhatFile [open $what_file w]
    puts $WhatFile [expr $addjoinsnum + $amntadd ]
    close $WhatFile
    set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {  
        set addjoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile   
    putdcc $idx "New total is $addjoinsnum"
    return 0
    if {$a2 != ""} {
      if {$a1 != ""} {
        if {[validuser $a1] == 0} {
        putdcc $idx "$a1 is an invalid username"
        return 0
      if {$a2<0 || $a2>100} {
      putdcc $idx "$a2 is out of my range, sorry!"
      return 0
      putlog "#$hand# +join $a1"
      if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
      set oldj "[user-get $a1 joins]"
      putdcc $idx "Old total for $a1 $oldj"
      putdcc $idx "Adding $a2 to $a1"
      set newj "[expr $oldj + $a2]"
      user-set $a1 joins $newj
      set newj2 "[user-get $a1 joins]"
      putdcc $idx "New total for $a1 is $newj2"
      return 0
      if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
      set oldj "[getuser $a1 xtra joins]"
      putdcc $idx "Old total for $a1 $oldj"
      putdcc $idx "Adding $a2 to $a1"
      set newj "[expr $oldj + $a2]"
      setuser $a1 xtra joins $newj
      set newj2 "[getuser $a1 xtra joins]"
      putdcc $idx "New total for $a1 is $newj2"
      return 0

# Removes joins from current count, and other users stats
proc take_joins {hand idx arg} {
global what_file eggver
    if {$arg==""} {
      putdcc $idx "Usage: -join \[user\] <# to remove>"
      return 0
    set a1 "[lindex $arg 0]"
    set a2 "[lindex $arg 1]"
    if {$a2 == ""} {
    putlog "#$hand# -join"
    if {$arg<0 || $arg>100} {
      putdcc $idx "$arg is out of my range, sorry!"
      return 0
    set amnttake "$arg"
    set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {
        set takejoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile
    putdcc $idx "Old total $takejoinsnum"
    putdcc $idx "Taking $amnttake"
    set WhatFile [open $what_file w]
    puts $WhatFile [expr $takejoinsnum - $amnttake ]
    close $WhatFile
    set WhatFile [open $what_file r]
    while {![eof $WhatFile]} {  
        set takejoinsnum "[gets $WhatFile]"
    close $WhatFile   
    putdcc $idx "New total is $takejoinsnum"
    return 0
     if {$a2 != ""} {
      if {$a1 != ""} {
        if {[validuser $a1] == 0} {
        putdcc $idx "$a1 is an invalid username"
        return 0
      if {$a2<0 || $a2>100} {
      putdcc $idx "$a2 is out of my range, sorry!"
      return 0
      putlog "#$hand# -join $a1"
      if {$eggver == "1.1" || $eggver == "1.2"} {
      set oldj "[user-get $a1 joins]"
      putdcc $idx "Old total for $a1 $oldj"
      putdcc $idx "Taking $a2 from $a1"
      set newj "[expr $oldj - $a2]"
      user-set $a1 joins $newj
      set newj2 "[user-get $a1 joins]"
      putdcc $idx "New total for $a1 is $newj2"
      return 0
      if {$eggver == "1.3"} {
      set oldj "[getuser $a1 xtra joins]"
      putdcc $idx "Old total for $a1 $oldj"
      putdcc $idx "Taking $a2 from $a1"
      set newj "[expr $oldj - $a2]"
      setuser $a1 xtra joins $newj
      set newj2 "[getuser $a1 xtra joins]"
      putdcc $idx "New total for $a1 is $newj2"
      return 0
# Turns the on-join notice on and off
proc on_off_notice {hand idx arg} {
global donotice eggver
putlog "#$hand# countnotice"
  if {$arg == ""} {
    putdcc $idx "The on-join counter notice is currently $donotice"
    return 0
    set ansrep "[string tolower $arg]"
    if {$ansrep=="on"} {
      putdcc $idx "Now turning the on-join notice on"
      set donotice "on"
      return 0
    if {$ansrep=="off"} {
      putdcc $idx "Now turning the on-join notice off"
      set donotice "off"
      return 0
    if {$ansrep != "on" && $ansrep != "off"} {
      putdcc $idx "Usage: .countnotice <on/off>" 
      return 0

# Your confirmation of this loading correctly.
  set joinsnum2 "[gets $start_var]"
  putlog "-----------Join Counter-----------"
  putlog "Join Counter 2.4 by Turbo- loaded!"
  putlog "Current count is $joinsnum2"
  putlog "On-Join notice defaulted to $donotice"
  putlog "Using Eggdrop v$eggver"
  putlog "----------------------------------"

##### EOF #####
This script besises being a simple join counter, also says the number of times a specified user has joined a channel since a specified date....
But the script only does that for +users in the eggdrop. My channel is not that big, so I would like this script to count joins for all people that join my channel individually, no matter if they are +users or not.
How do I change the script to do this?
Must be simple, but I don't see how t do it...
Thanks and greetz :)
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Post by YooHoo »

i believe this is the line of code that you seek:

Code: Select all

 if {[validuser $hand] == 1} { 
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Post by Thunderdome »

hello! Not quite sure, I've noticed the line before posting the script, but I dunno how to change it.... I don't know much tcl I am afraid...
What shall I do exactly?
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Post by greenbear »

remove it, along with the ending brace (all the way down, almost at the end of the proc)
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Post by Thunderdome »

I did it, but now nothing appears, not even the regular stuff... :|
I want to appear for everyuser the last time he was i nthe channel and number of joins... get my point? :\
Am I doing somehting wrong?
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Post by Thunderdome »

maybe it would be better to post the whole code changed, all the changes I try to do won't work... :\