Code: Select all
bind pub - !nsl pub_nslookup
bind msg - !nsl msg_nslookup
bind pub - !dns pub_nslookup
bind msg - !dns msg_nslookup
bind pub - !nslookup pub_nslookup
bind msg - !nslookup msg_nslookup
proc pub_nslookup {nick uhost hand chan arg} {
global nsl_path
set input [open "|$nsl_path $arg" r]
while {![eof $input]} {
catch {set contents [gets $input]}
if {[string first "Name:" $contents] >= 0} {
set name [string range $contents 9 end]
if {[string first "Address:" $contents] >= 0} {
set address [string range $contents 10 end]
catch {close $input}
if {![info exists name]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :DNS Lookup: Unable to resolve address."
return 0
if {$name != ""} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :DNS Lookup: $name <-> $address"
return 0
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :DNS Lookup: Unable to resolve address."
return 0
Code: Select all
[14:59] <teste> [16:01] Tcl error [pub_nslookup]: can't read "nsl_path": no such variable
Code: Select all
[15:00] <made_of_storm> .set errorInfo
[15:00] <teste> [16:03] tcl: builtin dcc call: *dcc:set made_of_storm 9 errorInfo
[15:00] <teste> [16:03] #made_of_storm# set errorInfo
[15:00] <teste> Currently: can't read "nsl_path": no such variable
[15:00] <teste> Currently: while executing
[15:00] <teste> Currently: "open "|$nsl_path $arg" r"
[15:00] <teste> Currently: (procedure "pub_nslookup" line 3)
[15:00] <teste> Currently: invoked from within
[15:00] <teste> Currently: "pub_nslookup $_pub1 $_pub2 $_pub3 $_pub4 $_pub5"