Thunderdome wrote:nope... it kicks poeople with simple nicks like: POLIZEI or Pinkin or stuff like that.
^^{0wnZj00}^^ - a person with this nick would be excluded as you know.... it has { caracters, which are not very frequent in spam bots... also repeats a lot, not frequent in spam bots...
Basically the script is kickin people with normal idents and nicknames
I've added exemption for special characters such as {, }, [, ], ^, `, _, -, |, \, / and etc. You can set the ones you like. Nicks/idents containing these idents will not be detected for drones.
Some of the things people don't know: (scripts limits)
1) Nicks/idents containing 2 numbers or more are not counted as drone nicks.
2) Nicks/idents containing 3 or more vowels [aeiouy] are not counted as drone nicks.
3) Nicks and idents in full capitalization can be detected for drones.
4) Nicks/idents with more than 2 capital letters and others in lower case are not detected for drones.
5) Idents containing ".", "-", "_", "^", "`" arent detected for drones.
6) There is also a small host detector which I added so all possible *!*@hosts should be isp resolved/unresolved hosts and not vhosts.