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Post by stevegarbz »

Would anyone mind converting this into .tcl:

Code: Select all

on *:TEXT:*#*:#energex:{
  if (($nick isop $chan) || ($nick isvoice $chan)) || ($1 == #energex) { halt }
  else {
    if (!%adv. [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) { set %adv. $+ $nick 1 | .notice $nick Please do not advertise in $chan $+ ! You have been warned. }
    elseif (%adv. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] == 1) { inc %adv. $+ $nick | /msg chanserv tb #energex $nick 30m Do Not Advertise in $chan $+ ! This is your second 

warning. 30 minute timeban. Please refer to the GameSurge AUP: $+ / $+ aup [Rule 3] }
    else {
      /msg chanserv addban #energex $nick Do Not Advertise in $chan $+ ! That was your last warning. You have been banned. Please refer to the GameSurge 

AUP: $+ / $+ aup [Rule 3]
      unset %adv. $+ $nick 
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Post by awyeah »

Some what a rough translation of this mIRC code, into TCL:

Code: Select all

bind pubm - "*" my:proc

proc my:proc {nick uhost hand chan text} {
 global adv_nick
  if {[isop $nick $chan] || [isvoice $nick $chan] || [isbotnick $chan] || [string equal -nocase "#energex" [lindex $text 0]]} { return 0 }
  if {[string match "*#*" $text] && [string equal -nocase "#energex" $chan]} {
   if {![info exists adv_nick($nick)]} {
    set adv_nick($nick) 1
    putserv "NOTICE $nick :Please do not advertise in $chan! You have been warned."
   } elseif {$adv_nick($nick) == 1} {
       incr adv_nick($nick)
       putserv "PRIVMSG chanserv :tb #energex $nick 30m Do Not Advertise in $chan! This is your second warning. 30 minute timeban. Please refer to the GameSurge AUP: \[Rule 3\]"
   } esle {
       putserv "PRIVMSG chanserv :addban #energex $nick Do Not Advertise in $chan! That was your last warning. You have been banned. Please refer to the GameSurge AUP: \[Rule 3\]"
       unset adv_nick($nick)

Facebook: (Jay Dee)
PS: Guys, I don't accept script helps or requests personally anymore.
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Post by -W0kk3L- »

Rough code indeed :)

Code: Select all

   } esle {  
But nice piece of code ;b
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Post by De Kus »

and [lindex $text 0] should be [lindex [split $text] 0] ^-^.
De Kus
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Re: Script

Post by Sir_Fz »

stevegarbz wrote:Would anyone mind converting this into .tcl
If you're interrested in using these punishment methods to other types of floods as well, Try using allfloodprotection3.7b.tcl. You can choose different types of punishments like warn first then kick or kickban...etc and it can be done with several types of floods.