Code: Select all
bind pub - "!mofa" mofaproc
proc mofaproc {nick host hand chan arg} {
set cmd [split $arg]
set cmd0 [lindex $cmd 0]
set cmd1 [lindex $cmd 1]
set cmd2 [lindex $cmd 2]
if {$cmd0 == "stats"} {
if { $cmd1 == "" } {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :statsglobal notice"
} elseif { $cmd1 == "+c" } {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :statsglobal privmsg"
} elseif { $cmd1 == "[string match "#*" $cmd1]" && $cmd2 == "+c" } {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :chanstats privmsg "
} elseif { $cmd1 == "[string match "#*" $cmd1] " && $cmd2 == "" } {
putserv "NOTICE $nick :chanstats notice"
} elseif { $cmd1 != "[string match "#*" $cmd1]" && $cmd2 == "+c" } {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :nickstats privmsg"
} elseif { $cmd1 != "[string match "#*" $cmd1]" && $cmd2 == "" } {
puterv "NOTICE $nick :nickstats notice"
} else {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :just type a typ"
my script is only a little example because my script is to big to post it all but the if clauses are the same.
thx 4 help
whet i give him