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Some problems in modified LoL TooL'z

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Some problems in modified LoL TooL'z

Post by mrdr »

Code: Select all

bind pub o|o [string trim $lol(cmdchar)]draugas pub_lol_addfriend
bind pub o|o +friend pub_lol_addfriend
bind pub o|o [string trim $lol(cmdchar)]nedraugas pub_lol_delfriend
bind pub o|o -friend pub_lol_delfriend

### !draugas <nick> [hand]

proc pub_lol_addfriend {me b c chan arg} {
	set arg [charfilter $arg]
	global lol botnick
	if {![check $c $me $b]} {
		if {$lol(silent) == 1 || [checksilent $c]} {return 0}
            puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1DËMESIO! Tu 4privalai15,1 identifikuotis prieð naudojantis ðia komanda. Komanda: /msg 4$botnick id15,1 <slaptaþodis>."
		return 0
	if {[llength $arg] < 1} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Sintakse:4 [string trim $lol(cmdchar)]draugas 15,1<nick> [hand]"
		return 0
	set nick [lindex $arg 0]
	set alternate [lindex $arg 1]
	set bot [strlwr $botnick]
	set hostmask "$nick![getchanhost $nick $chan]"
	set hand [nick2hand $nick $chan]
	if {![onchan $nick $chan]} {
            puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Atsipraðau, bet ash nematau4 $nick 15,1kanale4 $chan15,1."
		return 0
	if {[strlwr $nick] == $bot} {
            puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Atsipraðau, bet að negaliu átraukti 4savæs15,1 á draugø sàraðà."
		return 0
	if {[getting-users]} {
            puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Atsipraðau, bet ðiuo metu að esu uþsiëmæs, bandyk vëliau..."
		return 0
	if {[validuser $hand]} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $me :$nick is already recognized with this hand: $hand"
	} {
		if {[validuser $nick] && $alternate == ""} {
			puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Toks vartotojas:4 $nick 15,1jau egzistuoja. Naudok:4 !draugas <nickas> [hand]15,1."
			return 0
		if {$alternate != ""} {
			if {[validuser $alternate]} {
                        puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Toks handas4 $alternate 15,1jau egzsituoja. Pasirink kità. Naudok:4 !draugas <nickas> [hand]15,1."
				return 0
                        adduser $alternate $nick!*@*.*
		        #adduser $alternate [maskhost $hostmask]
		        #setuser $alternate hosts $nick!*@*.*
                        chattr $alternate +p|+fv $chan
			adduser $alternate [maskhost $hostmask]
			puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Sukurtas naujas vartotojas:4 $alternate15,1 ([maskhost $hostmask])."
			puthelp "NOTICE $nick :4$nick 15,1átrauktas á 4$chan 15,1kanalo draugø sàraðà."
			puthelp "NOTICE $nick :15,1Labas, tu kà tik buvai átrauktas(-a) á4 $chan15,1 kanalo draugø sàraðà. :Tu 4PRIVALAI15,1 uþsidëti slaptaþodá, komanda: /msg4 $botnick pass <tavo_slaptaþodis>15,1."
			return 0
		adduser $nick [maskhost $hostmask]
			puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Sukurtas naujas vartotojas:4 $alternate15,1 ([maskhost $hostmask])."
			puthelp "NOTICE $nick :4$nick 15,1átrauktas á 4$chan 15,1kanalo draugø sàraðà."
			puthelp "NOTICE $nick :15,1Tu 4PRIVALAI15,1 uþsidëti slaptaþodá, komanda: /msg4 $botnick pass <tavo_slaptaþodis>15,1."
		return 0

	if {$alternate != ""} {
		if {[validuser $alternate]} {
			puthelp "NOTICE $me :The hand $alternate already exist. \002Usage:\002 !adduser <nick> <hand>"
			return 0
		adduser $alternate [maskhost $hostmask]
		puthelp "NOTICE $me :New user: $alternate ([maskhost $hostmask])"
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :You have been added in $botnick userlist by $me with the hand: $alternate."
		puthelp "NOTICE $nick :You must set a password type: \002/msg $botnick PASS <your_password>\002"
		return 0
	return 0

### !nedraugas <nick>

proc pub_lol_delfriend {me b c chan arg} {
	set arg [charfilter $arg]
	global lol botnick
	if {![check $c $me $b]} {
		if {$lol(silent) == 1 || [checksilent $c]} {return 0}
                puthelp "NOTICE $me :You need to be identified to use this function. Type .identhelp in the partyline for more info. : \002/msg $botnick id <password>\002 or \002/msg $botnick silent <password>\002 to no more receive this warning."
		return 0
	if {[llength $arg] != 1} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $me :\002Usage:\002 [string trim $lol(cmdchar)]nedraugas <nick>"
		return 0
	set nick [lindex $arg 0]
	set bot [strlwr $botnick]
	set hand [nick2hand $nick $chan]
	if {![onchan $nick $chan]} {
                puthelp "NOTICE $me :15,1Atsipraðau, bet ash nematau4 $nick 15,1kanale4 $chan15,1."
		return 0
	if {[strlwr $nick] == $bot} {
                puthelp "NOTICE $me :Yeah right, like I'm going to let you delete ME!"
		return 0
	if {[getting-users]} {
                puthelp "NOTICE $me :Sorry, but I'm transferring the userfile, try later."
		return 0
	if {[matchattr $hand n]} {
		puthelp "NOTICE $me :You can't delete a bot owner."
		return 0
	chattr $hand -p|-fv $chan
	-user $hand $chan
	boot $hand "You have been deleted"
      puthelp "NOTICE $me :4$nick 15,1ka tik buvo 4ištrintas15,1 iš kanalo draugu sarašo."
      puthelp "NOTICE $nick :15,1Tu katik buvai 4ištrintas15,1 iš kanalo draugu sarašo."
	if {[botisop $chan]} {pushmode $chan -o $nick}
	return 0
The error in bot chat: TCL error [pub_lol_addfriend]: invalid command name "hand"
Last edited by mrdr on Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by greenbear »

change all entries of [hand] to \[hand\]
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Post by demond »

unescaped brackets in [hand], should be \[hand\]
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Post by mrdr »

Thanks for help.

But why bot don't give +v? That user has +p|+fv :|
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Post by Alchera »

DCC to bot and then type:

Code: Select all

.chanset #chan +autovoice
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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