I have installed eggdrop 1.8.3. I have tcl8.6.8 installed also. However I cannot start up a bot unless I type this first: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/local/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}. I have tried to make a ~/.bashrc to do that command but so far it isn't working. Please help My bots are hosted on xzib...
I recently updated my bot network to 1.8.3. Almost everything is working fine. I can dcc chat them all and they link up just fine and I can telnet into the bots that aren't on IpV6. However, I cannot telnet into the bots that have Ipv6 addresses. Here is what I have configured for one of my bots: ht...
I am trying to recompile my because the server I was using changed IP's. Everything works until I have to make: config Then I get make:Permission Denied.
I have searched but I haven't found anything. Please help me.