Well, I did a diff on eggdrop1.6.13/src/tcl.c and my tcl.c and the major additions were my encrypt/decrypt functions at those lines, and they all have proper nfree()s, so I'll look into expmem() to see if that fixes the output, thanks.
Too many changes to list, its an encrypted botpack, mostly a lot of stuff has been stripped out, the channel/userfile have been merged, all file reads/writes are encrypted.. not too many changes to tcl.c though.. If it doesn't tell me what is leaking, what can I use it for? hmm, I checked the line n...
When I do .debug I get the following, but there are about 150 more lines of different "number :(number)" for tcl.c, just too many to paste.. I am assuming that this means tcl.c has quite a few memory leaks in it :o I have modified the source so much that its not something I can ask the egg...
hence encrypting the leaf's files, OR having the leaf not save/load any files (including a .tcl). :) Option 2 works out best. That is my solution to the whole thing, with this, the hub would just be on a secure shell with yourself as admin, all ports blocked except the port to the bot (and ssh open)...
Some people DO brute force blowfish passwords. Happend to me last month. Some guy brute forced a password of an owner on a leaf bot shell he hacked into, then used it to gain hub access.
pfft thats easy cd eggdrop/src grep -ri "fprintf" * everything but the notes.mod output it used for chanfile/userfile writing. and comment out all the places it reads in userfile and chanfile and backup functions. I just made my botpack leaf not use any files at all, or save.. so i know ex...
I've written all the components needed for this already, i just need to put them together for what you want..
I already have a +closed option, and a .botnet nick random, a small bit of code will combine them for what you need...
If anybody has newish contagious botpack source, I would greatly appricate a copy. No, I am NOT looking to rip it off, I just know of a bunch of bugs and holes in it that I would like to patch up for my private use. For anyone interested in writing a decryptor for it.. It seems to be encrypted usin...