Hello, I've been using Split 4.1 by DawG or whoever made it. Problem is, my eggdrop reports that there was a netsplit and states how long it was. I want my eggdrop to be able to notify/MSG the chan as soon as there is a netsplit that "A netsplit between server A and server B has occured." ...
Hello again, I haven't been succesful in writing a script. Would anyone like to offer their services, and help me out? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks So MUCH!
As the topic says... I'm looking for a way to do .nicks or .nicklist (preferably .nicklist) in the clink.tcl script. This is the script- ################################################# # clink.tcl Channel Linker v1.2 # Written by {SImPhAt}, May 6th 2002 # # This script lets you link channels (as m...