DrJinglesMD wrote:No need to get testy here. We're all here to help.
Your help in this instance was to offer another script? how (un)helpful you are. thanks.
DrJinglesMD wrote:Since the main code in this thread has been updated I removed my code. You could have let those of us know you don't appreciate our help and I'm sure we would have gladly removed it without issue.
So common sense must be taught?
DrJinglesMD wrote:Secondly maybe stop abusing Wunderground by scraping AKA stealing their data and instead use a real API that is made specifically for that?
Oh, but wait.. I am not stealing their data, you must not understand how this script works on behalf of a user. Before you speak about things you do not know. Don't speak.
DrJinglesMD wrote:Don't blame WG because they are trying to protect their assets from people utilizing their service in a way they don't want.
Indeed. Your point was?
DrJinglesMD wrote:If you did that, then none of us would have come in here offering our help.
I don't need to do anything. Nor do you.
DrJinglesMD wrote:Either way, I'm glad the script is being updated and look forward to those updates.
Either way? What other way is there?
The point is, when you post code it should apply to the script at hand, the script/code which is the reason the thread exists.
If your code does not, common sense says, make a new thread to cover your code. Attach appropriate comments and links to the original thread which caused your codes creation saying it broke I am here to fill the void.
Instead, we get what we have here. And it's just so blatantly, appalingly, a clusterf*ck. You get people discussing new scripts with code, that doesn't even belong here. Then they discuss changes to that code and fixes and... ya feel me? The point of the thread is lost, it's now just random pieces of code people have to "string" together and as such becomes a big fat mess.
Not saying it "just to be a dick" either, although the rest of this yeah maybe was to just get upset others are to disrespect my friend, jordan (incith's) work, and just throwing it down and stomping all over it. While I can dust off the footprints, and clean up the clutter most times, this time wunderground is focused solely on money. This is clear by the abundancy of advertising all over (weather.com owns them) the website. So this is not about, a few scripts simulating web-browsers and acting on behalf of single users to get their weather. The same thing will happen at the library on a library pc, it will act just like this script. Now what seperates this script from a web-browser? nothing. There is nothing "bot" about how the script works, other than it only fetches the html. Does not fetch monetizing banner images, or other types. Just the html it seeks out and starts to parse. I take offense that regular expression parsing is illegal.
Now about the API, it requires users to go get their own API token for this script since I shant be sharing my own personal with everybody. This immediately reduces the scripts audience, as it imposes something you must do. So this is a last absolutely last resort. Sorry.