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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by SniperAC »

I dont mean to sound rude

I am just trying to help people

with Problems that I have had or read about


Post by SA »

By telling stuff i allready know?
My problem will still be the same...
Will have the problem with linux and with windows. That's a fact.
For now, that windrop is just for trying stuff out, finding possible problems and solve em.
Revered One
Posts: 3914
Joined: Sun Sep 23, 2001 8:00 pm
Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

This problem will may not exist when switching to linux.

You should be able (even if the bot binds to the internal network IP) to telnet the bot, by using the IP from a whois on IRC.

If you comment out the my-ip and my-hostname settings, the bot with bind to BIND_ANY. Which is why it is able to connect to IRC.

If in this situation, the bot still refuses to accept DCC chats, or Telnet connection, it is not a eggdrop problem. There is some form of block, either on the machine in question, or between the machine and the destination address. You should look into this issue as well.

Windows is not linux, so this issue may not exist when switching to linux.

Post by SA »

Aaahh usefull :smile:

Think i'll rush the linux part :smile:
Got it yesterday.

Tnx for yer help

Post by SniperAC »

I thought that what I have been trying to say but oh well nice job ppslim