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to raise ops in any room where the bot is

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to raise ops in any room where the bot is

Post by flink »

to upload ops in any room where the bot is. but the command is passed in the admin room and the bot operates it in the radio room for example: !op #radio pepe, thanks

Code: Select all

bind pub n !op pub_do_op
proc pub_do_op {nick host handle chan testes} {
global Channel
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $Channel] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($Channel == "")} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
if {$who == ""} {
if {![botisop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that."
return 1
if {[isop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :YOU are ALREADY op'd in $chan."
return 1
putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick"
return 1
if {![botisop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that."
return 1

if {[isop $who $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$who is ALREADY op'd in $chan."
return 1

putserv "MODE $chan +o $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Op'd $who on $chan."
putlog "$nick made me op $who in $chan."
#End of pub_do_op
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Post by CrazyCat »

Not sure to understand your trouble.
Is your code working or not ? Where is your question ?
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Post by flink »

very good CrazyCat if it works but only in the room where the command is passed. the bot is in 3 rooms, and I want to pass the command in the admin room and be able to upload any user in some of the rooms through the bot. Thank you

room #admin
room #one
room #two
in the admin room put the command
!op #two pepe
and the bot op in that room to the user who puts
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remoteOp ver. 0.1

Post by SpiKe^^ »


See if this is close to what you had in mind??

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#  remoteOp ver. 0.1  #

###  for example: !op #radio pepe, thanks  ###
###  or: !op #springfield bart lisa homer  ###

set adminChan "#admin"  ;# !!! Set a single admin channel !!! #


bind pub n !op pub_remote_op

proc pub_remote_op {nick uhost hand chan text} {
  if {![string equal -nocase $chan $::adminChan]} {  return 0  }

  set wholist [lassign [split [string trim $text]] where]
  if {![llength $wholist] || ![validchan $where]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Command syntax:  \002!op #validchannel nick(s)\002"
    return 1
  if {![botisop $where]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm not op'd in ${where}. I need to be op'd to do that."
    return 1

  foreach nk $wholist {
    if {[isbotnick $nk]} {  set self 1
    } elseif {![onchan $nk $where]} {  lappend gone $nk
    } elseif {[isop $nk $where]} {  lappend iso $nk
    } else {  lappend ok $nk  }

  if {[info exists self]} {  putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I can't op myself:)."  }

  if {[info exists gone]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Not found in ${where}:  \002[join $gone]\002"
  if {[info exists iso]} {
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Already op'd in ${where}:  \002[join $iso]\002"

  if {[info exists ok]} {
    set mode [string repeat "o" [llength $ok]]
    putserv "MODE $where +$mode [set ok [join $ok]]"
    putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Op'd \002${ok}\002 in ${where}."
    putlog "$nick made me op $ok in ${where}."

  return 1
#End of pub_remote_op


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Post by simo »

tested it for multiple nicks and it works fine, to make it perfect is to have it work both ways remote and in channel
for example:

!op #channel nick nick
!op nick nick

nice code spike^^ as always for those that want to manage from a single channel
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Post by flink »

Hi SpiKe^^ As my friend says, simo works great, even with multiple nicknames at the same time. It was what I needed
I did the same for deop, voice, devoice. Thanks again.

for my part the help is closed
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Post by flink »

I return to the subject with this tcl to see if you can help me if I put the command !op chan nick and the bot is not from @ I will reply: I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that. and how could I make the bot auto @ e and complete the !op command like this.
I know the command for the server I use would be putquick "privmsg chan op $chan $botnick"
but I can't write it and it works can someone help me thanks
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

I think this line of code from the script explains it well...

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if {[info exists self]} {  putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I can't op myself:)."  }
I am not aware of a way the bot can op itself, that command you offered seems useless to me:).

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Post by flink »

Sorry for replying so many days later, in chatzona if the nick is with admin level in the room you can auto-opt yourself. I paste from a deop code to the bot what the bot does automatically and chan's help.

Code: Select all

 bind mode - "*-*o*" protect:autoreop
if {($target == $botnick) && ($nick != $botnick)} {
 putquick "privmsg chan op $chan $botnick"
 putquick "privmsg chan deop $chan $nick"
 putquick "privmsg $nick :$nick \002bla bla bla 002"
 putquick "privmsg MEMO send root :$nick remove @ the $botnick de $chan"
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Post by CrazyCat »

Read your own words :
flink wrote:if the nick is with admin level in the room
You're asking a script to give op to someone to a potentially newly created channel, so noone but the creator is admin of the chan.
How can your eggdrop being admin ?
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Post by flink »

Hello CrazyCat, depending on the level of access you give the eggdrop it would have an administrator level , that's why I put in which server I need it.
That's why I put the example script of how to interact with the chan of said Sever
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Post by CrazyCat »

I can't guess the right commands nor the access levels, you know that.
So do your script with the good commands, you know better than me how it works with your server.
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Post by flink »

ok Crazy Cat, thanks for the inconvenience
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Post by flink »

I go back to the topic, it is happening to me that I have a nickcompletion anywhere in the sentence and when I put the command the bot does not recognize the nickcompletion with which I want to op a room's nick, any suggestions, thanks
  • @canario- ¦ !op #ChiCharrEroS 12[10-11-3>12n12I12k12s3<11-10-12]
    radioangelcaido(R.A.caidos@la.mú It is not found in #ChiCharrEroS: 12[10-11-3>12n12I12k12s3<11-10-12]
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Post by CrazyCat »

without your script, we can not help you.
Talk to my crystal bowl or show us your code.
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