to upload ops in any room where the bot is. but the command is passed in the admin room and the bot operates it in the radio room for example: !op #radio pepe, thanks
bind pub n !op pub_do_op
proc pub_do_op {nick host handle chan testes} {
global Channel
if {([lsearch -exact [string tolower $Channel] [string tolower $chan]] != -1) || ($Channel == "")} {
set who [lindex $testes 0]
if {$who == ""} {
if {![botisop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that."
return 1
if {[isop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :YOU are ALREADY op'd in $chan."
return 1
putserv "MODE $chan +o $nick"
return 1
if {![botisop $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that."
return 1
if {[isop $who $chan]} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :$who is ALREADY op'd in $chan."
return 1
putserv "MODE $chan +o $who"
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :Op'd $who on $chan."
putlog "$nick made me op $who in $chan."
#End of pub_do_op
very good CrazyCat if it works but only in the room where the command is passed. the bot is in 3 rooms, and I want to pass the command in the admin room and be able to upload any user in some of the rooms through the bot. Thank you
room #admin
room #one
room #two
in the admin room put the command
!op #two pepe
and the bot op in that room to the user who puts
Hi SpiKe^^ As my friend says, simo works great, even with multiple nicknames at the same time. It was what I needed
I did the same for deop, voice, devoice. Thanks again.
I return to the subject with this tcl to see if you can help me if I put the command !op chan nick and the bot is not from @ I will reply: I'm not op'd. I need to be op'd to do that. and how could I make the bot auto @ e and complete the !op command like this.
I know the command for the server I use would be putquick "privmsg chan op $chan $botnick"
but I can't write it and it works can someone help me thanks
Sorry for replying so many days later, in chatzona if the nick is with admin level in the room you can auto-opt yourself. I paste from a deop code to the bot what the bot does automatically and chan's help.
flink wrote:if the nick is with admin level in the room
You're asking a script to give op to someone to a potentially newly created channel, so noone but the creator is admin of the chan.
How can your eggdrop being admin ?
Hello CrazyCat, depending on the level of access you give the eggdrop it would have an administrator level , that's why I put in which server I need it. That's why I put the example script of how to interact with the chan of said Sever
I can't guess the right commands nor the access levels, you know that.
So do your script with the good commands, you know better than me how it works with your server.
I go back to the topic, it is happening to me that I have a nickcompletion anywhere in the sentence and when I put the command the bot does not recognize the nickcompletion with which I want to op a room's nick, any suggestions, thanks
@canario- ¦ !op #ChiCharrEroS 12[10-11-3>12n12I12k12s3<11-10-12]
radioangelcaido(R.A.caidos@la.música.es.ese.lugar.en.el.que.todos.coincidimos.alguna.vez)- It is not found in #ChiCharrEroS: 12[10-11-3>12n12I12k12s3<11-10-12]