I want to install eggdrop on my vps (globally with root) so that I allow users to just log in, type get-egg, fill in few info (Nickname, Alt-Nickname,Username, Network, Server, Server Port, BindHost, etc...) which will be reflected in the eggdrop bot .conf file and be able to launch to IRC.
I have a sample of the .conf file (very small compared to the original eggdrop.conf installed with the package) I can share.
I know some Ircd shell providers using these kind of auto installation scripts for their customers. ( some of these type of .sh scripts already shared in some Ircd forums!)
Your "request" actually it doesn't related to the eggdrop nor eggdrop-Tcl itself!
This request may be done with bash shell scripting or could be done with https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/Expect