the channel my bots are on normally was -m, for a couple of day's i've changed it to +m . Now i want it back to -m. I cganged it back in the bot's .conf and rehashed them --> nothing.
I restarted all the bots --> nothing
I did a .netchanset --> nothing
Can somebody help me out here. Whenever i set it -m myself the bots set it back to +m
What about the bots.chan file ? look in there and see what it has for that channel's setting's.
Are you bots linked/shareing ? if the channel is static, then you need to edit all the configs and/maybe the *.chan files. If the channel is dynamic then you dont need to .. but it sounds like your channel is static because you are editing the config file ; )
Just use the DCC console .chanset command to make the changes and use .chansave to save it to the channel file. The channel settings in the config should just be enough to get your bot up and running, after that your channel file should be treated as your main source of channel settings, since it often overrides some config settings.