I want to set up my bot so that its registered with Nickserv, so that Chanserv will AOP it. How can I set it so that it sends a msg to Nickserv when it logs on?
hello, well what do I do when I wanna use X services (/msg X@channels.undernet.org and use /mode nick +x) what should I do then? btw I use the simple.conf, thx.
Not to sound rude, but I am pretty damn sure this has been answered a bunch of times already. Use the nifty search feature of the forum and you shall find your answer.
The problem is, that many people fail to read the forum, and create new articles, that a new thread is spaw, creating a new result in the search.
Yes tyhis has been asnwered before.
No it isn;t for experts.
It may take some time, but the idea is to help yourself, as well as others. Most sites will not cater for those that do not bother to read before they try.