To be honest, I was not going to comment after the link was posted.
I am unable to verify if these are working copies of the current support.
As far as I remember (baring in mind, it's Friday, and there are a whole lot of bars I havn't visited yet), support has been added, but will no be (officialy) included within eggdrop 1.6.x.
The last time I remember, the official support was still being tested.
I will search through every single e-mail I have and report back as to the status.
i did ./configure --enable-ipv6 when compiling
in config i set my-ip6 to "3ffe(...)"
but bot runs as
what also i need to set in config?
i use bitchx with ipv6 adresses so server should have support for ipv6, after tests i discovered that bot has a problem with connecting to server, there is no response from server, even no error
[15:35] Trying server 6667
when i type .status:
No server currently.
console is set to show server messeges
OOOH - Another person that uses a reading based technology but fails to read.
Contact, as 99% of us live in the IPv4 world, and have no way of testing IPv6 - so why on earth do we need to even bother reading up on it, just for your pleasure.