Ok, secondary problem...
I'm behind a router, so I cann't get past the faked IP on irc to dcc the bot/s. I can telnet via and can telnet (I believe, haven't tried yet) via my real IP. But I want users to access the bot/s via dcc. Do I have to set the real IP in the config file? It's not static, so I fear it will change if I reboot the box, then I'll have to re-configure each time, real pain in the arse. Is there a tcl script I can use to send the real ip data to users when the ident? So they can use that info to telnet to the bot? (assuming that they can via the real IP and get past the router)
Looked for help on this already, maybe I'm not using the right keywords for this but I found nothing, sorry if this is a real newbie question, still getting used to linux, and have never used a firewall/router before.
I think I found out what I was looking for... I try it out and let people know here what I did. Searching for answers in this forum isn't the easiest thing to do..
Synopsis: I think I need to configure the bot to use the FAKE ip and listen on port, (the ports that are not used by others in my network) in order to get past the fire wall. To be honest I can see this not working, it just doesn't make sence to me, but I'll try it. My thinking is, I cann't be the only one using the same fake IP. the ranges are the same for most commericially bought routers. So we'll see, we'll see. (my thinking could be wrong here)