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im looking for fi shells.

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.
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Post by Spock7291 »

You cannot have it both ways, either you put up with being a user on someone elses server and allow them to suffer the headaches without you having any real power to control things or you set up your own server and find you still have less than perfect control.

Living life is all about finding the best path of returns for what you are willing to spend in effort, money, or whatever other currency you wish to use. There is no perfect solution, there are only lesser poor solutions, some of which may actually work for you if you put in the effort to find one.

Whatever you finally do, I wish you luck in your pursuit of life liberty, and the neverending search for increasing computing power. :wink:
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Post by virtuoso »

if your server is little and for a limited number of trusted peoples everything will be good. but don't forget : the morons are everywhere. in 1998 i've started a room in and they have destroyed it. in 2002 i've open a room in and the same thing has happened. :-(
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Post by YooHoo »

here's a thought....quit pissing people off. maybe that will stop you from being attacked. :wink:
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Post by virtuoso »

me ? i haven't my own server and now i haven't my own room anymore.
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Post by Turambar »

is that all you really can do? complaining about loosing "your" channel?
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Post by virtuoso »

yes. without channel there is no need to buy or learn how eggdrops works anymore.
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Post by arcane »

so if you have to start a new chan anyway, why don't you move to a server with chanserv? and all your problems will be gone away.
aVote page back online!
Check out the most popular voting script for eggdrop bots.

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Post by ]Kami[ »

Which channel was takeovered, btw for *.si provider you can visit:
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Post by virtuoso »

rsteam webpage is down. btw they don't reply to email messages.
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Post by virtuoso »

if i change server,problems don't go away,because peoples aren't so happy to change it cuz all their friends are already in the old one.
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Post by }eXtreme{ »

Yeah... it's always easy to put your self in "hig above all" position "IRCnet channels aren't owned, make new channel etc etc..." but things aren't black and white always... I know many ppl which REALLY care for their channels, spend many (to much?) time on them, make web sites, stats sites... their channel become nice known chat-place, etc etc.... and they simply LIKE them. And then come one idiot (or more of them) and take channel without any know cause... It's really frustrated experience.
And then ppl which usually don't have channels on that network wrote so "nice cool looking usefull comments".... =) Everyone have it's own feeling and motives... ppl are simply different.. and if you work a lot on one thing... you simply like that. It's normal that he wanna get channel back... It's in human nature and there is nothing wrong. I think that ppl from some other networks won't ever understand that. It's nothing bad in that, i just express my opinion.
I won't touch here his part with "channel re-take etc..". I have my own opinion about that. I just wanna said that often victim, which express it's own feeling become accusated...

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Post by }eXtreme{ »

YooHoo wrote:
A properly configured botnet can secure channel ops on any network, and prevent any sort of nonsense from unknown individuals. Don't believe me?
Of course not =) I liked to belive that but not anymore... I seen to much things on IRCnet in last few years... few monts even. 320 nicks collided at once... 7 big channels opless in few minutes.... Or circa 20 shell-servers ddosed... 60 bots down in 15 minutes etc etc... so please don't be so naive =)
Btw. I have 35 hard encrypted modificated eggdrops... much much faster than regular eggs (thanx KrzychuG), with really good anti-collide protection etc etc but still... i don't live in illusion that mine channels are 100% secure. There is not souch thing. Atleast not on IRCnet =)
