Hi all,
I'm trying to execute a proc when there's a sharing event from another bot, for example a remote "-user" from a linked and shared bot; but I really don't know how to trigger it, since there isn't any specific binding on userfile sharing events.. Could anyone give me an idea? Thank you
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways." - Salvor Hardin
normal from what i noticed sharing events take place when the bot link .. so maybe bind to the link event ..? also might check rcvd and sent and evnt maybe pre save .. and stuff .. check your eggdrop manual
I don't mean the linking bots userfile transfer stuff, I mean when an already linked and shared bot sends to all the botnet a command like "adduser $user", or "-user user" , or a password set command for an $user . I know the bind link , but I'm talking about an after-linking event
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways." - Salvor Hardin
It would be a good idea for an user-interface-level script, but I would like to write a lower level thing, something that works with raw botnet sharing messages. is there a bind like "bind raw" but that works for raw botnet messages? I looked to tcl-commands.doc but it seems there isn't nothing like it. "bind bot" does not work for botnet sharing messages. Thank you again
"An atom-blaster is a good weapon, but it can point both ways." - Salvor Hardin