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Mass op Protection

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Mass op Protection

Post by hello0 »

I have found Meltdowns Protection.tcl, its really nice but i need a Massop Protection into the Script..can you help me?

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# Meltdowns Anti-Overtake V0.9 (30-05-2004) 	                #
# -Quakenet-optimized-                                          #
#								#
#                                         #
#                                                               #
# Bans for overtakes 			                        #
#								#
# Triggers: 	+Kicking 3 ops in 30 secs                       #
#		+Deopping 5 ops in 20 secs			#
#		+Banning the bot, botowner or bot-channel-op	#
#		+Setting invite, key or limit < 90%		#
#								#
# +Unbans, invites, etc when bot cannot join the chan		#
#  (Q/X/L must be in the chan)					#
# +Removes overtakers  Q/X/L-flags				#
# +ops the bot with Q/X/L, when getting deopped			#
# +unbans all victims of the overtake				#
#								#
# Contact: | #meltdown on quakenet		#
#								#
# [! LEAVE THESE CREDITS INTACT. !] thx...			#
#								#
# If you have any problems on any sys...Pls drop me a line	#
# (Tested on: Eggdrop 1.6.15/Tcl 8.3/2.2.25)			#
#								#
# Installation: +Append the tcl in your bots config
# 		+type "!meltsat on" in your chan (you must be owner)
# Hints:
# I suggest to give Q and L at least +f, so the eggdrop wont ban them.(see overtake(allowed))
# Manual for lazy guys/newbs: 
#	Join the partyline
#	.+user service
# 	.+host service *!
# 	.+host service *!
# 	.chattr service +f 
# New in 0.9
# Enhanced ban/removeuser-procedure (ie bot will give offender +k flag for 30 secs)
# Changed from removing flags with CHANLEV to REMOVEUSER
# Fixed baaad bug, when someone deopped the bot before kicking (thx to superior for testing ;)
# Fixed deop setting (was set, even when it was 0:0)
# New in 0.8
# Added ignore for mode-changes made by servers
# Added option to send a DEOPALL, when the bot gets kicked
# Added Paranoid-option
# Increased netsplit-time to 2 hours
# New in 0.7
# Added overtake-detection, when the bot get kicked X times in 30 seconds
# Added a "Report-email"-feature (only working with sendmail)
# Changed from UNBANALL to INVITE on chans with L
# Fixed small bug, when people join and _quit_ within 15 secs
# Fixed small bug in whitelist ("can't unset "whitelist(#foo)": no such element in array")
# Fixed bug that bot triggers +o incorrectly, when getting kicked (possible eggi-bug)
# Fixed +b on some sys
# Fixed "needs" with special-character-chans 
# Removed t-flag from chanlev-delete
# New in 0.6
# Added Anti-Flood-Protection
#  => Floodbot-detection (misc detections by nick + host)
#  => join/part-ban 
# Removed some putlogs
# New in 0.5
# Added mass-deop-protection
# Added X-Support (for undernet)
# Added a few X/Q/L-checks
# Added a queue for chanmodes, when bot hasnt +o
# Enhanced kick-speed
# Enhanced +l - overtake-detection (setting below 90% of the users currently in the chan)
# Fixed b-flag-protection
# Fixed "deopall on kick-overtake"
# Fixed allowed-flags with +b
# New in 0.4 :
# Added chanmode-setting
# Added a putlog, when an overtaker got banned
# Minor changes
# FIXED ANOTHER STUPID [censored] BUGS (looks like my QA-department sucks)
# New in 0.3 :
# Added misc settings
# Added "unban-vitcims after overtake"
# Fixed misc things :P no, they are too lame, so i dont mention them here :)
# Just say, i released the script to early :p
# Settings :

# user-protection

set overtake(allowed) "mf|o"
# Sets, which people are allowed to ban/kick/change chanmodes as much as they want
# Hint: Q should have one of these flags

set overtake(protect) "m|f"
# Sets, which people should be protected from bans (except allowed people :). (m=botmaster, f=friend on chan)

set overtake(bots) 1
# Protect bots with +b-flag ?
# If not, set to 0

# ban-settings

set overtake(service) ""
# Nickname of a service-bot, if you dont use Q/L on quakenet or X on undernet
# If you fill in a nick and set needs to 1 the bot will send invites, unban, etc
# to "this" bot. (ie /msg YOURBOTNICK invite #chan)

set overtake(bantype) 2
# 1:*!ident@subnet, 2:*!ident@IP, 3:*!*@domain, 4:nick!*@*

set overtake(needs) 1
# Set to 0 to use your own "needs" (need-op, need-invite,...)
# If you dont know what this is, set it to 1 :)

set overtake(chanmodes) "+nNCt-isk"
# Chanmodes which should be enforced on the chan. leave blank to use your own

set overtake(service-ban) 1
# Set to 1 to ban with Q/X too (offenders will be banned with NICK by Q and HOSTMASK by the eggdrop) 
# If you have Q or X in your chan, this setting is highly recommended

set overtake(deopall) 1
# Set to 1 to do a Q/L deopall on an kick-overtake
# Good, if overtaker use bots to kick all people

set overtake(botdeopall) 1
# Set to 1 to do a Q/L deopall on bot-kick

set overtake(revenge) 1
# Deop/kick-Revenge
# The Bot will kick people who are deopping/kicking it

set overtake(kickmessage) "Overtaker"
# Kickmessage

# Enhanced Detection

set overtake(kickedbot) 2
# Set, when an overtake will be detected on X eggdrop-kicks in 30 seconds
# This will do a DEOPALL,too. Even if overtake(botdeopall) is set to 0

set overtake(deop) 3:20
# Mass-deop-protection
# This setting overrides the eggdrop-internal setting.
# (Here: 5 deops in 20 seconds - set to 0:0 to turn it off)

set overtake(paranoid) 1
# Bot will detect a DEOP or KICK on the eggdrop as overtake.
# Only for paranoid people ! ;)

# Proxy-bots-detection
# If you leave this setting to 1 the bot will check and ban suspicious nicks (ie: x1231) joining the chan
# and for similar nicks joining the chan (bot123, bot142, bot148, etc). 
# Hint: If you had these settings set to 1 and you want to disable it, you have to _restart_ the bot

set overtake(flood) 0
# Set to 0 to dont check for flood-bots

set overtake(joinpart) 0
# Set to 0 to dont ban join/part-lamers

# Important: Sending an email is only recommended, if you have more than 1 bot
#  	     protecting the chan. (Bot will react slow, if an overtaker uses bots)
#	     Its mainly for reporting people (To suspend theirs accounts or for g-lines)
#	     If youre not going to report people, this setting is useless.

set overtake(email) ""
# Fill in your email, if you want to receive an email on an overtake
# (with date, chan, nick, host of the overtaker, etc.)
# Else, leave this setting blank ("")

set overtake(sendmail) "/usr/bin/sendmail"
# As the mail-thingie works with sendmail only, you may want to
# change the path.

# End of Configuration

setudef flag antitake

set overtake(version) "0.9"

if {$overtake(flood)} { bind JOIN - * check_floodbots }
if {$overtake(joinpart)} { bind PART - * check_joinpart }
if {$overtake(flood)} { bind SPLT - * check_whitelist }

bind mode - * proc_change 
bind mode - "% +o" do_cqueue
bind join - * do_cqueue_kick
bind kick - * proc_kick
bind flud - deop meltsat_flood
bind PUB m|m !meltsat activate_at_script
bind raw - "319" get_whois
bind raw - "330" get_authnick

proc proc_kick { nick uhost hand chan target reason} {
global violator overtake
# Exit, if one of the requirements met
	if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 0 }
	if {$nick == ""} { return 0 }
	if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 0 } }
	if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 0 }
	if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 0 }

# If the bot gets kicked

	if {$target == $::botnick} { 
		putquick "JOIN $chan"
		set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :Dont kick me, buddy."
		if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 1} { putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan" }
		if {$overtake(paranoid) == 1} 	{ 
                                                  rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan]
			 			  if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 0} { putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan" }

# Does the overtake-routine, when the bot got kicked overtake(kickedbot) times in 60 seconds
		if {$overtake(kickedbot) != 0} {
				if {![info exists overtake(kc_bot,$chan)]} {
					set overtake(kc_bot,$chan) 1
					utimer 60 [list unset overtake(kc_bot,$chan)]
				} else {
					incr overtake(kc_bot,$chan)
                                if {$overtake(kc_bot,$chan) >= $overtake(kickedbot)} {

					if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 0} { 		# Dont send multiple DEOPALL
	                                	putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"
                                        rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan]

# If the kicked client was an operator
	if {[wasop $target $chan]} {
		if {![info exists violator($nick)]} { 
                        set violator($nick) 1
                        utimer 30 [list unset violator($nick)]
		} else { 
                        incr violator($nick)
		if {$violator($nick) >= 3} { 
			if {$overtake(deopall)} {putserv "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"}
			rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan] 

proc proc_change { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
global overtake deopcounter timerkill
	if {$mode == "-o" } {
                if {$victim == $::botnick} {
			if {[qlcheck $chan] != ""} { 
				putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :op $chan" 
# Exit, if one of the requirements met

        if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 0 }
	if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 0 }
	if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 0 } }
	if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 0 }
	if {$nick == ""} { return 0 }
	if {$mode == "+b"} {

		if {$victim == "!*@*"} { set victim "*!*@*" }
		if {[string match $victim $::botname]} {rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim ; return }
		foreach i [chanlist $chan] {
			if {[string match $victim "$i\![getchanhost $i]"]} {
				if {[matchattr [nick2hand $i] $overtake(protect) $chan]} {
					rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim
        if {$mode == "-o" } {
                if {$victim == $::botnick} {
                        if {$overtake(paranoid) == 1} { rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim
							putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"
                        if {$overtake(revenge)} {
                                if {![matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} {
                                        set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :Dont deop me, buddy."

	if {$mode == "+i"} { 
		rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0 
		putserv "MODE $chan -i"

	if {$mode == "+k"} { 
		rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0
		putserv "MODE $chan -k $victim"

	if {$mode == "+l"} { 
		if {$victim < [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]]*0.9]} { 
			rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0 
			putserv "MODE $chan +l [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]]+ 10]"
proc meltsat_flood {nick uhost hand type chan} {
global overtake
# Flood-deop-procedure

# Exit, if one of the requirements met

        if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 1 }
        if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 1 }
	if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 1 } }
	if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 1 }

	rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost unknown
	return 1	

proc rflags_kick {nick chan uhost victim} {
global overtake rfonce
# Common procedure, when an overtaker is detected
        set overtakerhost [ot:getbanmask $nick $uhost]
        set service [qlcheck $chan]

	if {([onchan Q $chan]) && ($overtake(service-ban) == 1)} { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :ban $chan $nick" }
	if {![botisop $chan]} { set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :$overtake(kickmessage)" }
        catch { putkick $chan $nick "$overtake(kickmessage)" } err
     		if {$victim == "!*@*"} { set victim "*!*@*" }
	if {[botisop $chan]} {
		pushmode $chan +b $overtakerhost
		pushmode $chan -b $victim
		flushmode $chan
	if {![info exists rfonce($nick)]} {
	        if {$service != ""} {
       		         putquick "PRIVMSG $service :removeuser $chan $nick"
       		         putserv "NOTICE $nick :Removed flags. If this was a mistake, contact the channelowner"

	        adduser $nick $nick!*@*
	        chattr [nick2hand $nick] |+k $chan
 	        utimer 30 [list deluser [nick2hand $nick]]

		putserv "WHOIS $nick"
		putlog "Overtaker detected ! $nick ($overtakerhost) at [clock format [unixtime] -format %D-%r]"
		if {$overtake(email) != ""} { utimer 10 [list send_report $nick $chan $uhost] }

		ot:unban $chan $overtakerhost

		set rfonce($nick) 1
		utimer 30 [list unset rfonce($nick)]

proc send_report { nick chan uhost } {
global overtake
# "Report-mail"-procedure

                set mailme [open "|$overtake(sendmail) -t" w]
                puts $mailme "To: $overtake(email)"
                puts $mailme "From: $::botnick\@$chan"
                puts $mailme "Subject: Overtake detected in $chan !"
                puts $mailme "Overtake detected:\n"
                puts $mailme "Nick: $nick"
                puts $mailme "Host: $uhost"
                puts $mailme "Channel: $chan"
                puts $mailme "Time: [clock format [unixtime] -format %D-%r]\n"
                puts $mailme "WHOIS: $overtake(whois)"
                if {[info exists overtake(auth)]} {
                        puts $mailme "AUTH: $overtake(auth)"
                        unset overtake(auth)
                close $mailme
                unset overtake(whois)


proc qlcheck {chan} {
global overtake
# Returns, which bot is on the channel
# If overtake(service) is set, the value of it will be returned

	if {$overtake(service) != ""} { return $overtake(service) }
        if {[onchan Q $chan]} {
          set service "Q"
        } elseif {[onchan L $chan]} {
          set service "L"
	} elseif {[onchan X $chan]} {
	  set service "X"
        } else {
          set service "";
return $service

proc ot:getbanmask {nick uhost} {
# Switches the banmask set by overtake(bantype)

global overtake
 set account [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string last @ $uhost] -1]]
 set domain [string range $uhost [expr [string last @ $uhost] +1] end]
 set sitemask "*!*[string trimleft [maskhost $uhost] *!]"
 switch $overtake(bantype) {
  1 {set sitemask "*!*[string trimleft [maskhost $uhost] *!]"}
  2 {set sitemask "*!*$uhost"}
  3 {set sitemask "*!*@$domain"}
  4 {set sitemask "$nick!*@*"}
regsub -all -- {~} $sitemask "" sitemask
return $sitemask

proc activate_at_script {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global overtake
# Channel-activation-procedure (!meltsat on|off)

        switch $args {
                  on {	if {([qlcheck $chan] != "") && ($overtake(needs) == 1)} {
				channel set $chan need-op [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :op $chan" -next]
				channel set $chan need-invite [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
				channel set $chan need-key [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
				if {([qlcheck $chan] == "Q") || ([qlcheck $chan] == "X")} {
					channel set $chan need-limit [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
		                        channel set $chan need-unban [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
				if {[qlcheck $chan] == "L"} {
					channel set $chan need-limit [list putquick "PRIVMSG L :clearchan $chan" -next]
					channel set $chan need-unban [list putquick "PRIVMSG L :invite $chan" -next]
			channel set $chan +antitake
			if {$overtake(chanmodes) != ""} { channel set $chan chanmode $overtake(chanmodes) }
			if {$overtake(deop) != "0:0"} { channel set $chan flood-deop "$overtake(deop)" }
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT activated"}
                  off {	
                        channel set $chan -antitake
			if {([qlcheck $chan] != "") && ($overtake(needs) == 1)} {
                        channel set $chan need-op ""
                        channel set $chan need-invite ""
			channel set $chan need-key ""
			channel set $chan need-limit ""
			channel set $chan need-unban ""
			putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT deactivated"}
                  default {
                                if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] +antitake] > -1} {
                                         putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT is currently ACTIVATED."
                                } else { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT is currently DEACTIVATED."

proc ot:unban { chan badhost } {
# Unbans all masks in a channel except the "badhost" form the overtaker

set x 0
foreach i [chanbans $chan] { 
	if {![string match "*$badhost*" $i]} { 
		incr x
		pushmode $chan -b [lindex $i 0]
		if {$x >=6} { flushmode $chan ; set x 0 }
	flushmode $chan

proc do_cqueue { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
# Execute the queue, when the bot gets kicked
# lookup set_cqueue

global ot_queue
        if {$victim == $::botnick} {
                set x 0
                while {[info exists ot_queue($chan,$x)]} {
                        putquick "$ot_queue($chan,$x)"
                        unset ot_queue($chan,$x)
                        incr x

proc set_cqueue { chan command } {
# Sets the queue for commands, when the bot got kicked.
# It stores $command in $ot_queue, which will be executed, as soon as the bot rejoins

global ot_queue
        set x 0
        while {[info exists ot_queue($chan,$x)]} {
               incr x
        set ot_queue($chan,$x) "$command"
proc do_cqueue_kick { nick uhost hand chan } {
	if {$nick == $::botnick} { 
		utimer 0.1 [list do_cqueue 0 0 0 $chan 0 $::botnick]

proc check_floodbots { n u h c } {

# Flood-bots-detection-script

global flood_nicks flood_hosts flood_chans joinpart overtake whitelist

        if {[string last +antitake [channel info $c]] == -1 } { return 0 }
	if {[matchattr $h b]} { return 0 }
        if {[isbotnick $n]} { return 0 }
        if {[matchattr $h $overtake(allowed) $c]} { return 0 }
	if {[info exists whitelist($c)]} { if {[lsearch -exact $whitelist($c) $n] == -1 } { return 0 } } 
# "Deletes" Numbers from the nick.
        regsub -all {[0-9]*} $n "" sub_nick

# If the nickname is smaller than 2 characters after deleting numbers
        if {[string length $sub_nick] < 2} {
                putlog "Suspicious nick detected ($n in $c)"
                putquick "MODE $c +b $n!*@*"
                putquick "KICK $c $n :Possible Flood-Bot. Try a smarter nickname"
# Check, if there are similar nicks after deleting numbers
        lappend flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick) $n
        if {[llength $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)] > 2} {
                putquick "MODE $c +b $sub_nick*!*@*"
                foreach x $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick) {
                        putquick "KICK $c $x :Possible Flood-Bot"
# Check, if more than 2 clients are joining the chan with the same host in 15 seconds

        if {[llength $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)] == 1} {utimer 15 [list unset flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)]}

        set host [lindex [split $u "@"] 1]
        lappend flood_hosts($c,$host) $n
        if {[llength $flood_hosts($c,$host)] > 2} {
                putquick "MODE $c +b *!*@$host"
                putlog "CLONES detected from $host in $c - nicks: ($flood_hosts($c,$host))"
                foreach x $flood_hosts($c,$host) {
                        putquick "KICK $c $x :Possible Flood-Bot"
        if {[llength $flood_hosts($c,$host)] == 1} {utimer 15 [list unset flood_hosts($c,$host)]}
	if {![info exists joinpart($c,$n)]} {
	        set joinpart($c,$n) 1
        	utimer 15 [list unset joinpart($c,$n)]

proc check_joinpart { n u h c m } {
# Ban, when clients are joining and parting the chan within 10 seconds

global joinpart
        if {[info exists joinpart($c,$n)]} {
                putquick "MODE $c +b *!*@[lindex [split $u "@"] 1]"
		timer 10 [list putserv "MODE $c -b *!*@[lindex [split $u "@"] 1]"]

proc check_whitelist { n u h c } {
# Whitelist nicks within a Netsplit for 2 hours
global overtake whitelist
        if {[string last +antitake [channel info $c]] == -1 } { return 0 }
        if {[matchattr $h $overtake(allowed) $c]} { return 0 }
	if {![info exists whitelist($c)]} { timer 120 [list unset whitelist($c)] }
	lappend whitelist($c) $n

proc get_whois {from key text} {
global overtake
	set overtake(whois) [lrange [split $text] 1 end]

proc get_authnick {from key text} {
global overtake
        set overtake(auth) [lindex [split $text] 2]

putlog "Melts Anti-Overtake $overtake(version) loaded..."

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Post by Alchera »

Moved to Scripting Help
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by demond »

Alchera wrote:Moved to Scripting Help
this is a pure script request and doesn't belong here

I somehow doubt that guy could write "Hello, world" in Tcl
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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Post by hello0 »

HELLO WORLD!!! HELP ME!!we hnadsuiö hasöri
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Post by Alchera »

Maybe try a later (and better supported) channel script? I suggest you search the Tcl Archives for xchannel by demond. :)
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by demond »

actually xchannel won't help with that, it ignores mass modes

as I've said many times before, you simply can't protect against mass modes, and to claim that some script can do it is a plain lie; I've also explained why is that, and won't repeat myself this time

if you have a problem with mass modes, you are either a takeover monkey running large botnet on EFnet, in which case you likely use your own private scripts, therefore you are on your own and should not expect any help from us; or you are lame botowner who has sloppy op policies, in which case you simply need to revoke op privileges of the troublemaker(s)
connection, sharing, dcc problems? click <here>
before asking for scripting help, read <this>

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