Code: Select all
# Meltdowns Anti-Overtake V0.9 (30-05-2004) #
# -Quakenet-optimized- #
# #
# #
# #
# Bans for overtakes #
# #
# Triggers: +Kicking 3 ops in 30 secs #
# +Deopping 5 ops in 20 secs #
# +Banning the bot, botowner or bot-channel-op #
# +Setting invite, key or limit < 90% #
# #
# +Unbans, invites, etc when bot cannot join the chan #
# (Q/X/L must be in the chan) #
# +Removes overtakers Q/X/L-flags #
# +ops the bot with Q/X/L, when getting deopped #
# +unbans all victims of the overtake #
# #
# Contact: | #meltdown on quakenet #
# #
# #
# If you have any problems on any sys...Pls drop me a line #
# (Tested on: Eggdrop 1.6.15/Tcl 8.3/2.2.25) #
# #
# Installation: +Append the tcl in your bots config
# +type "!meltsat on" in your chan (you must be owner)
# Hints:
# I suggest to give Q and L at least +f, so the eggdrop wont ban them.(see overtake(allowed))
# Manual for lazy guys/newbs:
# Join the partyline
# .+user service
# .+host service *!
# .+host service *!
# .chattr service +f
# New in 0.9
# Enhanced ban/removeuser-procedure (ie bot will give offender +k flag for 30 secs)
# Changed from removing flags with CHANLEV to REMOVEUSER
# Fixed baaad bug, when someone deopped the bot before kicking (thx to superior for testing ;)
# Fixed deop setting (was set, even when it was 0:0)
# New in 0.8
# Added ignore for mode-changes made by servers
# Added option to send a DEOPALL, when the bot gets kicked
# Added Paranoid-option
# Increased netsplit-time to 2 hours
# New in 0.7
# Added overtake-detection, when the bot get kicked X times in 30 seconds
# Added a "Report-email"-feature (only working with sendmail)
# Changed from UNBANALL to INVITE on chans with L
# Fixed small bug, when people join and _quit_ within 15 secs
# Fixed small bug in whitelist ("can't unset "whitelist(#foo)": no such element in array")
# Fixed bug that bot triggers +o incorrectly, when getting kicked (possible eggi-bug)
# Fixed +b on some sys
# Fixed "needs" with special-character-chans
# Removed t-flag from chanlev-delete
# New in 0.6
# Added Anti-Flood-Protection
# => Floodbot-detection (misc detections by nick + host)
# => join/part-ban
# Removed some putlogs
# New in 0.5
# Added mass-deop-protection
# Added X-Support (for undernet)
# Added a few X/Q/L-checks
# Added a queue for chanmodes, when bot hasnt +o
# Enhanced kick-speed
# Enhanced +l - overtake-detection (setting below 90% of the users currently in the chan)
# Fixed b-flag-protection
# Fixed "deopall on kick-overtake"
# Fixed allowed-flags with +b
# New in 0.4 :
# Added chanmode-setting
# Added a putlog, when an overtaker got banned
# Minor changes
# FIXED ANOTHER STUPID [censored] BUGS (looks like my QA-department sucks)
# New in 0.3 :
# Added misc settings
# Added "unban-vitcims after overtake"
# Fixed misc things :P no, they are too lame, so i dont mention them here :)
# Just say, i released the script to early :p
# Settings :
# user-protection
set overtake(allowed) "mf|o"
# Sets, which people are allowed to ban/kick/change chanmodes as much as they want
# Hint: Q should have one of these flags
set overtake(protect) "m|f"
# Sets, which people should be protected from bans (except allowed people :). (m=botmaster, f=friend on chan)
set overtake(bots) 1
# Protect bots with +b-flag ?
# If not, set to 0
# ban-settings
set overtake(service) ""
# Nickname of a service-bot, if you dont use Q/L on quakenet or X on undernet
# If you fill in a nick and set needs to 1 the bot will send invites, unban, etc
# to "this" bot. (ie /msg YOURBOTNICK invite #chan)
set overtake(bantype) 2
# 1:*!ident@subnet, 2:*!ident@IP, 3:*!*@domain, 4:nick!*@*
set overtake(needs) 1
# Set to 0 to use your own "needs" (need-op, need-invite,...)
# If you dont know what this is, set it to 1 :)
set overtake(chanmodes) "+nNCt-isk"
# Chanmodes which should be enforced on the chan. leave blank to use your own
set overtake(service-ban) 1
# Set to 1 to ban with Q/X too (offenders will be banned with NICK by Q and HOSTMASK by the eggdrop)
# If you have Q or X in your chan, this setting is highly recommended
set overtake(deopall) 1
# Set to 1 to do a Q/L deopall on an kick-overtake
# Good, if overtaker use bots to kick all people
set overtake(botdeopall) 1
# Set to 1 to do a Q/L deopall on bot-kick
set overtake(revenge) 1
# Deop/kick-Revenge
# The Bot will kick people who are deopping/kicking it
set overtake(kickmessage) "Overtaker"
# Kickmessage
# Enhanced Detection
set overtake(kickedbot) 2
# Set, when an overtake will be detected on X eggdrop-kicks in 30 seconds
# This will do a DEOPALL,too. Even if overtake(botdeopall) is set to 0
set overtake(deop) 3:20
# Mass-deop-protection
# This setting overrides the eggdrop-internal setting.
# (Here: 5 deops in 20 seconds - set to 0:0 to turn it off)
set overtake(paranoid) 1
# Bot will detect a DEOP or KICK on the eggdrop as overtake.
# Only for paranoid people ! ;)
# Proxy-bots-detection
# If you leave this setting to 1 the bot will check and ban suspicious nicks (ie: x1231) joining the chan
# and for similar nicks joining the chan (bot123, bot142, bot148, etc).
# Hint: If you had these settings set to 1 and you want to disable it, you have to _restart_ the bot
set overtake(flood) 0
# Set to 0 to dont check for flood-bots
set overtake(joinpart) 0
# Set to 0 to dont ban join/part-lamers
# Important: Sending an email is only recommended, if you have more than 1 bot
# protecting the chan. (Bot will react slow, if an overtaker uses bots)
# Its mainly for reporting people (To suspend theirs accounts or for g-lines)
# If youre not going to report people, this setting is useless.
set overtake(email) ""
# Fill in your email, if you want to receive an email on an overtake
# (with date, chan, nick, host of the overtaker, etc.)
# Else, leave this setting blank ("")
set overtake(sendmail) "/usr/bin/sendmail"
# As the mail-thingie works with sendmail only, you may want to
# change the path.
# End of Configuration
setudef flag antitake
set overtake(version) "0.9"
if {$overtake(flood)} { bind JOIN - * check_floodbots }
if {$overtake(joinpart)} { bind PART - * check_joinpart }
if {$overtake(flood)} { bind SPLT - * check_whitelist }
bind mode - * proc_change
bind mode - "% +o" do_cqueue
bind join - * do_cqueue_kick
bind kick - * proc_kick
bind flud - deop meltsat_flood
bind PUB m|m !meltsat activate_at_script
bind raw - "319" get_whois
bind raw - "330" get_authnick
proc proc_kick { nick uhost hand chan target reason} {
global violator overtake
# Exit, if one of the requirements met
if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 0 }
if {$nick == ""} { return 0 }
if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 0 } }
if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 0 }
if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 0 }
# If the bot gets kicked
if {$target == $::botnick} {
putquick "JOIN $chan"
set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :Dont kick me, buddy."
if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 1} { putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan" }
if {$overtake(paranoid) == 1} {
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan]
if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 0} { putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan" }
# Does the overtake-routine, when the bot got kicked overtake(kickedbot) times in 60 seconds
if {$overtake(kickedbot) != 0} {
if {![info exists overtake(kc_bot,$chan)]} {
set overtake(kc_bot,$chan) 1
utimer 60 [list unset overtake(kc_bot,$chan)]
} else {
incr overtake(kc_bot,$chan)
if {$overtake(kc_bot,$chan) >= $overtake(kickedbot)} {
if {$overtake(botdeopall) == 0} { # Dont send multiple DEOPALL
putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan]
# If the kicked client was an operator
if {[wasop $target $chan]} {
if {![info exists violator($nick)]} {
set violator($nick) 1
utimer 30 [list unset violator($nick)]
} else {
incr violator($nick)
if {$violator($nick) >= 3} {
if {$overtake(deopall)} {putserv "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"}
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost [getchanhost $target $chan]
proc proc_change { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
global overtake deopcounter timerkill
if {$mode == "-o" } {
if {$victim == $::botnick} {
if {[qlcheck $chan] != ""} {
putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :op $chan"
# Exit, if one of the requirements met
if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 0 }
if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 0 } }
if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 0 }
if {$nick == ""} { return 0 }
if {$mode == "+b"} {
if {$victim == "!*@*"} { set victim "*!*@*" }
if {[string match $victim $::botname]} {rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim ; return }
foreach i [chanlist $chan] {
if {[string match $victim "$i\![getchanhost $i]"]} {
if {[matchattr [nick2hand $i] $overtake(protect) $chan]} {
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim
if {$mode == "-o" } {
if {$victim == $::botnick} {
if {$overtake(paranoid) == 1} { rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost $victim
putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :DEOPALL $chan"
if {$overtake(revenge)} {
if {![matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} {
set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :Dont deop me, buddy."
if {$mode == "+i"} {
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0
putserv "MODE $chan -i"
if {$mode == "+k"} {
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0
putserv "MODE $chan -k $victim"
if {$mode == "+l"} {
if {$victim < [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]]*0.9]} {
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost 0
putserv "MODE $chan +l [expr [llength [chanlist $chan]]+ 10]"
proc meltsat_flood {nick uhost hand type chan} {
global overtake
# Flood-deop-procedure
# Exit, if one of the requirements met
if {[string last +antitake [channel info $chan]] == -1 } { return 1 }
if {[matchattr $hand $overtake(allowed) $chan]} { return 1 }
if {$overtake(bots) == 1} { if {[matchattr $hand b]} { return 1 } }
if {$nick == $::botnick} { return 1 }
rflags_kick $nick $chan $uhost unknown
return 1
proc rflags_kick {nick chan uhost victim} {
global overtake rfonce
# Common procedure, when an overtaker is detected
set overtakerhost [ot:getbanmask $nick $uhost]
set service [qlcheck $chan]
if {([onchan Q $chan]) && ($overtake(service-ban) == 1)} { putquick "PRIVMSG Q :ban $chan $nick" }
if {![botisop $chan]} { set_cqueue $chan "KICK $chan $nick :$overtake(kickmessage)" }
catch { putkick $chan $nick "$overtake(kickmessage)" } err
if {$victim == "!*@*"} { set victim "*!*@*" }
if {[botisop $chan]} {
pushmode $chan +b $overtakerhost
pushmode $chan -b $victim
flushmode $chan
if {![info exists rfonce($nick)]} {
if {$service != ""} {
putquick "PRIVMSG $service :removeuser $chan $nick"
putserv "NOTICE $nick :Removed flags. If this was a mistake, contact the channelowner"
adduser $nick $nick!*@*
chattr [nick2hand $nick] |+k $chan
utimer 30 [list deluser [nick2hand $nick]]
putserv "WHOIS $nick"
putlog "Overtaker detected ! $nick ($overtakerhost) at [clock format [unixtime] -format %D-%r]"
if {$overtake(email) != ""} { utimer 10 [list send_report $nick $chan $uhost] }
ot:unban $chan $overtakerhost
set rfonce($nick) 1
utimer 30 [list unset rfonce($nick)]
proc send_report { nick chan uhost } {
global overtake
# "Report-mail"-procedure
set mailme [open "|$overtake(sendmail) -t" w]
puts $mailme "To: $overtake(email)"
puts $mailme "From: $::botnick\@$chan"
puts $mailme "Subject: Overtake detected in $chan !"
puts $mailme "Overtake detected:\n"
puts $mailme "Nick: $nick"
puts $mailme "Host: $uhost"
puts $mailme "Channel: $chan"
puts $mailme "Time: [clock format [unixtime] -format %D-%r]\n"
puts $mailme "WHOIS: $overtake(whois)"
if {[info exists overtake(auth)]} {
puts $mailme "AUTH: $overtake(auth)"
unset overtake(auth)
close $mailme
unset overtake(whois)
proc qlcheck {chan} {
global overtake
# Returns, which bot is on the channel
# If overtake(service) is set, the value of it will be returned
if {$overtake(service) != ""} { return $overtake(service) }
if {[onchan Q $chan]} {
set service "Q"
} elseif {[onchan L $chan]} {
set service "L"
} elseif {[onchan X $chan]} {
set service "X"
} else {
set service "";
return $service
proc ot:getbanmask {nick uhost} {
# Switches the banmask set by overtake(bantype)
global overtake
set account [string range $uhost 0 [expr [string last @ $uhost] -1]]
set domain [string range $uhost [expr [string last @ $uhost] +1] end]
set sitemask "*!*[string trimleft [maskhost $uhost] *!]"
switch $overtake(bantype) {
1 {set sitemask "*!*[string trimleft [maskhost $uhost] *!]"}
2 {set sitemask "*!*$uhost"}
3 {set sitemask "*!*@$domain"}
4 {set sitemask "$nick!*@*"}
regsub -all -- {~} $sitemask "" sitemask
return $sitemask
proc activate_at_script {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global overtake
# Channel-activation-procedure (!meltsat on|off)
switch $args {
on { if {([qlcheck $chan] != "") && ($overtake(needs) == 1)} {
channel set $chan need-op [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :op $chan" -next]
channel set $chan need-invite [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
channel set $chan need-key [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
if {([qlcheck $chan] == "Q") || ([qlcheck $chan] == "X")} {
channel set $chan need-limit [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
channel set $chan need-unban [list putquick "PRIVMSG [qlcheck $chan] :invite $chan" -next]
if {[qlcheck $chan] == "L"} {
channel set $chan need-limit [list putquick "PRIVMSG L :clearchan $chan" -next]
channel set $chan need-unban [list putquick "PRIVMSG L :invite $chan" -next]
channel set $chan +antitake
if {$overtake(chanmodes) != ""} { channel set $chan chanmode $overtake(chanmodes) }
if {$overtake(deop) != "0:0"} { channel set $chan flood-deop "$overtake(deop)" }
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT activated"}
off {
channel set $chan -antitake
if {([qlcheck $chan] != "") && ($overtake(needs) == 1)} {
channel set $chan need-op ""
channel set $chan need-invite ""
channel set $chan need-key ""
channel set $chan need-limit ""
channel set $chan need-unban ""
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT deactivated"}
default {
if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] +antitake] > -1} {
putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT is currently ACTIVATED."
} else { putserv "PRIVMSG $chan :MeltsAT is currently DEACTIVATED."
proc ot:unban { chan badhost } {
# Unbans all masks in a channel except the "badhost" form the overtaker
set x 0
foreach i [chanbans $chan] {
if {![string match "*$badhost*" $i]} {
incr x
pushmode $chan -b [lindex $i 0]
if {$x >=6} { flushmode $chan ; set x 0 }
flushmode $chan
proc do_cqueue { nick uhost hand chan mode victim } {
# Execute the queue, when the bot gets kicked
# lookup set_cqueue
global ot_queue
if {$victim == $::botnick} {
set x 0
while {[info exists ot_queue($chan,$x)]} {
putquick "$ot_queue($chan,$x)"
unset ot_queue($chan,$x)
incr x
proc set_cqueue { chan command } {
# Sets the queue for commands, when the bot got kicked.
# It stores $command in $ot_queue, which will be executed, as soon as the bot rejoins
global ot_queue
set x 0
while {[info exists ot_queue($chan,$x)]} {
incr x
set ot_queue($chan,$x) "$command"
proc do_cqueue_kick { nick uhost hand chan } {
if {$nick == $::botnick} {
utimer 0.1 [list do_cqueue 0 0 0 $chan 0 $::botnick]
proc check_floodbots { n u h c } {
# Flood-bots-detection-script
global flood_nicks flood_hosts flood_chans joinpart overtake whitelist
if {[string last +antitake [channel info $c]] == -1 } { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $h b]} { return 0 }
if {[isbotnick $n]} { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $h $overtake(allowed) $c]} { return 0 }
if {[info exists whitelist($c)]} { if {[lsearch -exact $whitelist($c) $n] == -1 } { return 0 } }
# "Deletes" Numbers from the nick.
regsub -all {[0-9]*} $n "" sub_nick
# If the nickname is smaller than 2 characters after deleting numbers
if {[string length $sub_nick] < 2} {
putlog "Suspicious nick detected ($n in $c)"
putquick "MODE $c +b $n!*@*"
putquick "KICK $c $n :Possible Flood-Bot. Try a smarter nickname"
# Check, if there are similar nicks after deleting numbers
lappend flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick) $n
if {[llength $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)] > 2} {
putquick "MODE $c +b $sub_nick*!*@*"
foreach x $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick) {
putquick "KICK $c $x :Possible Flood-Bot"
# Check, if more than 2 clients are joining the chan with the same host in 15 seconds
if {[llength $flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)] == 1} {utimer 15 [list unset flood_nicks($c,$sub_nick)]}
set host [lindex [split $u "@"] 1]
lappend flood_hosts($c,$host) $n
if {[llength $flood_hosts($c,$host)] > 2} {
putquick "MODE $c +b *!*@$host"
putlog "CLONES detected from $host in $c - nicks: ($flood_hosts($c,$host))"
foreach x $flood_hosts($c,$host) {
putquick "KICK $c $x :Possible Flood-Bot"
if {[llength $flood_hosts($c,$host)] == 1} {utimer 15 [list unset flood_hosts($c,$host)]}
if {![info exists joinpart($c,$n)]} {
set joinpart($c,$n) 1
utimer 15 [list unset joinpart($c,$n)]
proc check_joinpart { n u h c m } {
# Ban, when clients are joining and parting the chan within 10 seconds
global joinpart
if {[info exists joinpart($c,$n)]} {
putquick "MODE $c +b *!*@[lindex [split $u "@"] 1]"
timer 10 [list putserv "MODE $c -b *!*@[lindex [split $u "@"] 1]"]
proc check_whitelist { n u h c } {
# Whitelist nicks within a Netsplit for 2 hours
global overtake whitelist
if {[string last +antitake [channel info $c]] == -1 } { return 0 }
if {[matchattr $h $overtake(allowed) $c]} { return 0 }
if {![info exists whitelist($c)]} { timer 120 [list unset whitelist($c)] }
lappend whitelist($c) $n
proc get_whois {from key text} {
global overtake
set overtake(whois) [lrange [split $text] 1 end]
proc get_authnick {from key text} {
global overtake
set overtake(auth) [lindex [split $text] 2]
putlog "Melts Anti-Overtake $overtake(version) loaded..."