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Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by Jigy »

kalaaa be4 even trying to help z_one over here read the full artical that will so make you look like a goofy :smile:

you can see uptime and idle time.
More than enough to show you.
Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by RedAlert »

On 2002-04-20 00:34, Jigy wrote:
Funk is * Funk_Soul_Brother
Funk on @#ushells
Funk using Atlanta.GA.US.ChatNet.Org Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
Funk has been idle 417hrs 36mins 28secs, signed on Tue Apr 02 17:13:07

This might show to you how stable our connectivity is. has address
Atlanta.GA.US.ChatNet.Org. has address

just out of interest Jigy, do you also have clients with similar idle times on networks you are NOT hosting a server for? if you do, then Ushells sure would be worth a try...but the lifetime of a connection within your local subnet doesn't say much about the connectivity to the outside.

BTW insulting people in the role of CEO makes your company look bad, regardless of who started. you simply should know better.

Post by Jigy »

Dear RedAlert,

Yes this is correct the Bot is on one of our hosted IRC servers, but here is a couple of other bots located on EFnet/DALnet:

RaMaSiS is nato@Dont.Ever.Trust.Girls.Only.Trust.Ushells.Net * ......
RaMaSiS on #nda #l.f #concert
RaMaSiS using drawn to the rhythm.
RaMaSiS has identified for this nick
RaMaSiS has been idle 173hrs 46mins 41secs, signed on Thu Apr 25 14:02:30
RaMaSiS End of /WHOIS list.

patch3s is * .
patch3s on @#leftsocksmp3s @#ushells @#flashshellz @#auroralink @#shell-o-matic
patch3s using Tele Danmark - Aarhus, Denmark
patch3s has been idle 95hrs 2mins 22secs, signed on Wed Apr 24 23:15:01
patch3s End of /WHOIS list.

And concerning my behaviour against both of them. Maybe I made a mistake going down to there level. But I will not allow a couple of clowns to say things with no solid proofs about concerning
Have a Niceday
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Posts: 269
Joined: Mon Jan 14, 2002 8:00 pm
Location: Canada

Post by z_one »

It's amazing how some people cannot admit the truth even when it stares them in the face. And you're one of them Jigy boy.
I'll give you the proof. Let anyone register with you and they will understand for themselves what Ushells is <- that is proof enough and it speaks for itself.

Now my advice for you is to take your company and childish remarks and get off this forum at once if you're gonna keep with this attitude.
We're all here to share ideas and learn about eggdrops and we couldn't give a damn about you or your pathetic company or what you make of it.

My advice to the other users who posted a reply about this topic is to fully ignore Jigy boy and simply ask all those who want to defend his point of view to join UShells and see for themselves. This is an argument they simply cannot refute.

Now Jigy boy, take your "high level standards" as u call them and go play it smart on stupid people coz it ain't working here. You have diverged very far from the spirit of this forum. So let me remind you what it is once and for all:
"Sharing knowledge in a constructive manner".

Unless you can do that, I suggest you stop this discussion at once and I even suggest that the admins boot you out.

This is my last comment for you, I've wasted too much time on this, knowing the truth is as obvious as black and white. Ushell is far from being the best. Just TRY IT or ask people whose bots keep ping timing out every 2 hours (as mentionned by someone else in a previous post).
End of the line.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: z_one on 2002-05-02 20:21 ]</font>

Post by Jigy »

The only person who is talking in a bad way of USHELLS in the forum is actually you z_one.
I only came to this forum coz of one reason you are insulting and I'm replying on your remarks.What you are saying is the only beleive in your own head *ONLY* open your eyes wide bud look for solid prooves and stop acting like a child.
Ofcourse better yet,I give who ever on this forum the opportunity to have a trial mode for there account a 1 week if they agree with what you claim I will *SO* rest my case.
You are the only ignorant person in the review right now I can be discuessing with. Everyone else than kalaaa and you can understand how stupid you and your comments are.

I respect the website's idea of supporting and assisting in Eggdrops. But I totally disagree having a child such as you making some stupid remarks concerning a provider such as USHELLS.
What I've said is totall truth given with prooves. What I've heard from you is totall crap and empty words.

Post by Guest »

Dear All Users,

There are those among us who believe, or try to convince people, that they are extremely intelligent so that they may feel included. Often, these people appear with a single letter in their nickname and possible an underscore followed by the spelling of a number. These people are fakes.
While they try to dazzle you with their witty remarks and alleged reports of something entertaining, a little research into the topic mention will show you absolutely no truth in what they said, leaving them alone, in the cold, with their pants down. This, in turn, will cause yet another lie. This is called the "cycle".
This cycle is a never ending loop of lies to grab attention and to look important. Please be advised that people who are caught in a "cycle" are extremely volitile when confronted about their lies and may create fake excuses for the lies. It is recommended to avoid these people and to ignore their comments, for they irrelevant.
The majority of the time, the most intelligent people you will find will be the ones who never say anything until asked or inspired by their own inner disire. They do not seek attention and are not afraid to be wrong, although it seldom happens.
My point in posting this is that I've read some of the remarks and at least one unnamed person that posts here suffers from this condition. Please keep this person in your thoughts, and if religious, your prayers, for they are sick in the mind and will need healing in their body if they are not careful.
Just to be blunt, I'm saying this: USHELLS is a great company. I've never had a problem with anything they host for me, which entails quite a few EggDrop bots and an IRCd server. The uptime is excellent and the staff is friendly. Noting this, you might ask why someone would speak badly? Of course, we know why... because there are fakes among us... people caught in the "cycle". *points at z_one*
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Joined: Sat Sep 22, 2001 8:00 pm

Post by slennox »

In order to maintain the efficiency of the forum database, z_one considerately decided to have his last post on this issue.

I've decided, on their behalf, that Jigy and sage have had their last posts too. Futher posts from others will also be considered to be their last post.

Anyone who dishonours their commitment to having made their last post, by replying with any reference whatsoever to anything other than the issues raised in this specific post, will be deleted must pay a $1 forum maintenance fee into the dishonour jar (i.e. my PayPal account) before they can sign up for the forum again.

Post by Terrapin »

I assume with what I read that I am allowed a "last post"
even though i havent stated.... i assume this from reading the
final post, If i mistook this fact then i am sorry.

I have been caring for a shell account for a friend.
The Ushells account is for a ircd and a few other things (a eggdrop was run on there till we gave up trying to keep it going with the down time)

Every day I find that the server is d/c and timed out... I assume it to be dos attacks or whatever, but i cannot be sure.

When I went to talk to the ppl about it (at the shell renters request) I was told that it was not a problem and must be the server I am connecting it to...

Now ... I know a fair bit about networking and have shells all over the globe on various boxes that i work on and that are friends. During the time that the server is disconnected i cannot ssh in to Ushells from anywhere.
This tells me there is a problem on their end.

The eggdrop and ircd are no longer welcome on my network, nor are any ushells
servers, Untill they improve, and become more willing to listen and deal with their clients.

I would say there is hope there for a decent service, but serious improvement is needed before i would recomend them to anyone.

again sorry if i mistook. I think i was allowed one post on this