If this bot is on a network that has services and your channel already has +r, you can do a "/ChanServ HELP" to learn how to have ChanServ set and keep the +S instead of the bot.hankey wrote:hi,
i tried search but i couldnt find anything releated. linknet uses "/mode #chan +S" to secure a channel. that prevents users with an unencrypted connection to join in. when i define my chanmodes with ".chanset #chan chanmode +S" the eggdrop will ignore the uppercase S or convert it to lowercase, dunno exactly, since i always set the lowercase +s (for secret), too.
is there any possibilty to get the bot to set the +S ?
or will a future version of eggdrop support this mode ?
LinkNet doesn't use services, its a normal channel command, which has to be set by the user or in this case a bot. I would just be better to script the channel command, and might as well include some other SSL stuff in it.ppslim wrote:Just checking, you are using 1.6.12 with the SSL patch?
You aere connected using ssl?
It's a bit pointless, when a OP sets +S, when that means he can't join in himself. It may be the network that is removing it.
Knowing that this is a user/channel flag. as a user if your not connect under SSL, no you can not set this flag, but if your a normal user and do /mode #blah +S you will set the channel +S. If you leave the channel and someone is in there, you won't be able to join the channel.ppslim wrote:In a real life example.
User connects to a server.
He decides to set himself +i for invisable. On top, he decides to set himself +o (IE, and IRCOPER).
The server would simply drop the +o, as he isn't authorised.
In the real world, once some1 has sent and euthorised an /oper command, he/she can set +o or -o on there usermode (not channel user or channel mode) as they wish.
My point is, is it the same for the +S flag. Will the IRC server allow a NON SSL connected client/bot to set this mode?
could be that you were asleep, Rumplestilskin, but there is a new service called goooooooooooooooooogle, you should check it out someday, then you could be cool like me and spit out links to LinkNet's SSL page. I gave this document a cursory glance only, and figured most people who are having trouble connecting with eggdrop to ssl-encrypted servers on linknet have not read this, so they wouldn't know to use port 7000 are you one o' them people?MtM wrote:how did you guys get your eggdrop+SSL patch to connect to a SSL server? Is there any special setting? Or just tell your eggy to connect to the SSL port on the ircd?