I've been looking for a SteamID TCL Script that relays the information from www.steamid.com to an IRC Channel. I know alot of people want this script too. It would be great if someone codes it because I'm terrible at sockets. Thanks
Show me an example of the input this site requires, I have no idea what it expects for:
Search by SteamID, IRC Channel, Clan Name, Player Handle, or Player Name.
Actually show me example for each one of the types and I'll make a script to work with each type.
I just did a test with the handle "foo" and it returns a lot of results..Do you want to limit these results in the script? Limit can be on the commandline for the user to control (and result sent to privmsg to avoid flooding the channel), or can be a configure option for the bot admin to set.
Looks like the site does an automatic substring search as well, at least for the handle..
Anyway, this should be a simple script to create once I know what the site uses for its input search..
Well, there are the .mrc script files for this. There are things called SteamIdBots on irc.gamesurge.net.
If you wanna see how those are, just connect and join any channel with a steamidbot. #RANDOS would be mine. (We have one) But I would be interested in putting a .tcl script for this on my eggdrop.
I don't use mirc.. If you want to provide the info, I'll make the script.. Otherwise, don't ask me to go out of my way if you can't even provide the information I asked for.
Can I Screenshot you an example on mIRC? Would that suffice?
I'll try to describe it:
On the SteamID-Bots:
@searchalias "alias"
@searchchannel "channel"
@searchid "steamid"
@searchteam "team"
REPONSE: "alias" "team" "league of team" "irc channel" "steamid"
Yes, there would have to be a limit of 5 users because there are too many results for certain aliases, unlses there is a way to add two pieces of information to a search.
Sorry for the laziness. I wrongfully assumed you have mIRC
Thanks a lot rosc, and thanks for bringing this one up jhan.
About the message after jhan, it seems we posted our mssages at the same time. The time difference was 1 minute, but i didn't know he posted it. Sorry for the repetition
As well, I was wondering if anybody could set up a "ScoreBot" script. A ScoreBot would relay information from a CounterStrike Server of events onto the IRC channel. Basically:
It connects to a server (CounterStrike)
It reports round scores and player kills to the channel.
Things like this already exist but I haven't found a .tcl script.